[Oisf-devel] SuriCon 2017 Highlights & Thanks!

Kelley Misata kmisata at oisf.net
Mon Dec 4 18:55:05 UTC 2017

Our 3rd annual SuriCon was yet another incredible success!  Thank you to
all who attended - we had an amazing time in Prague and hope you did too!

*Here are some of the highlights:*

*Sold-Out Trainings*: We began our week with two days of sold-out training,
our new SigDev Training and our Suricata User training.  We also announced
our 2018 calendar of public training events - stay tuned for details. Also,
if you able to "host" a training please contact us at info at oisf.net

*Sponsor Reception:* We shared great food, beer, and conversation at the
Sponsor Reception, and we extend our deepest gratitude to each of our
Sponsors for their support of SuriCon. We couldn't have done it without our
amazing Sponsors.

*Awesome Talks, Pictures, and Sketches:* over the 3-days, we heard from the
OISF team and experts in the field such as Randy Caldejon, with CounterFLow
AI; and Gene Stevens and Danny Browning, with ProtectWise, on a range of
exciting topics, and ended the week digging deep into the Suricata Roadmap
together as a community. Check out speaker presentations, photos, and
sketches from our surprise guest, cartoonist Frank Tizzoni at 2017 SuriCon
Highlights <https://suricon.net/highlights-suricon-2017/>. NOTE:
presentations will be added as we receive them from our speakers - so make
sure to check back often for updates!

*Exciting New Offerings by OISF:* we announced some new ways for the
community to learn and support Suricata - for more information about the
exciting announcements surrounding our Support Services, and Online
Training offerings! Contact us at info at oisf.net

*Suricata Roadmap:* this year we took additional time to brainstorm
priorities for Suricata for 2018.  A summary of the discussion and the
plans for Suricata can be found at Suricata Roadmap Summary

*Finally, a big shout out to our amazing Sponsors and contributors to
SuriCon 2017, in Prague - we couldn't have done it without your support:*

Our Community Partner - Endace
Our Community Friends - Napatech, Stamus Networks, Google, Turris Omnia,
Amazon, DCSO Engineering Security, and Avast
Our Community Supporters - ProtectWise, CounterFLow AI, Accolade
Technology, GateWatcher, SECDSM, and Lastline
Our Booth Sponsors - GREYCortex, and OPN Sense
Our MOB Sponsors - Apostolos Bakoyiannis, BDO CERT, Binary Confidence,
Christoph Knott, mnemonic, Robert Haist, DCSO, and Phillip Schildein, DCSO

Hope to see you at SuriCon 2018 in Vancouver - dates to be announced soon!

The OISF Team

*Kelley Misata, Ph.D.*
*Executive Director*
*kmisata at oisf.net <kmisata at oisf.net>*
*www.oisf.net <http://www.oisf.net>*
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