[Oisf-devel] Announcing: Suricata Trainings in US and Europe!

Kelley Misata kmisata at oisf.net
Thu May 4 01:07:56 UTC 2017

*JOIN US* for one (or all) of these great training events designed to
improve your skills and experience with Suricata, while giving you an
opportunity to bring your questions and ideas directly to the Suricata core
development team.

NEW Suricata Training in the U.S.

2-Day Suricata Training
<https://2-daysuricatatraining_denver.eventbrite.com/> - Denver, CO

*June 20-21, 2017*

*Thank you to our sponsor and OISF consortium member, ProtectWise.*

Other events you don't want to miss...

5-Day Suricata Developer Training
<https://2017_5-daysuricatatraining.eventbrite.com/> - Cork, Ireland

*September 11 - 15, 2017*

*Thank you to our host and OISF consortium member, FireEye.*

And of course, don't miss SuriCon 2017 <https://suricon.net/>!

November 15-17, 2017

Prague, Czech Republic

*Call for speakers is OPEN!*

Questions about our training events or becoming a consortium member, please
contact us at info at oisf.net.

*Kelley Misata, Ph.D.*
*Executive Director*
*kmisata at oisf.net <kmisata at oisf.net>*
*www.oisf.net <http://www.oisf.net>*
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