[Oisf-devel] Don't Miss It! NEW Suricata Training - Aug 16-17 in Denver, CO

ZHANG, Qunshi zhangqs at act.buaa.edu.cn
Thu May 24 23:52:52 UTC 2018

liuys at act.buaa.edu.cn<mailto:liuys at act.buaa.edu.cn>

在 Kelley Misata <kmisata at oisf.net>,2018年5月25日 上午2:21写道:

Calling all Suricata lovers!

Join us in beautiful Denver, Colorado August 16-17 for Network Security Monitoring with Suricata and learn all the latest about Suricata 4.0 and much more!  SIGN UP<https://suricata-events.eventbrite.com> now - space is limited.

More than IDS/IPS, Suricata can provide visibility to solve incidents quickly and more accurately by an enabling context before, during, and after an alert. This 2-day training will improve your ability to respond to the threats in your network.  We will cover the fundamental aspects of Suricata such as deployment, installation, and tuning, as well as rule comprehension, managing rulesets, validating alerts, working through false positive/negatives and customizing rules to provide more signal to noise in alerts and much more!!

The only things needed to attend this course are:

 *    The ability to import and run a VM (1CPU / 1-2GB RAM) on your laptop
 *    A basic understanding of IDS/IPS/NSM principles
 *    Adequate knowledge of networking, TCP/IP, and Linux command line
 *    A desire to improve threat response tactics by learning from the best!!

For more information on this hands-on experience visit https://suricata-events.eventbrite.com

We can’t wait to see you there!

The OISF Team

Kelley Misata, Ph.D.
Executive Director
kmisata at oisf.net<mailto:kmisata at oisf.net>

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