[Oisf-users] Getting 'nf_queue: full' messages - how to increase ?

Victor Julien victor at inliniac.net
Fri Aug 27 02:55:26 EDT 2010

Pablo wrote:
> I'm not sure, but maybe it's related to the value at "
> /proc/sys/net/nf_conntrack_max " or " /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_
> conntrack_buckets "
> You can increase this values with for example
> echo "123456" > /proc/sys/net/nf_conntrack_max
> If not, maybe you can try to search that limit value of 200 with..
> find /proc/sys/net/ -name "*conntrack*" -exec echo {} \; -exec grep 200
> {} \;
> Anyway, 200 entries by default seems to be a low value.
> You may also want to enable/increase the value of max-pending-packets at
> suricata.yaml
> Let us know if you find out a solution.

Increasing the max-pending-packets setting will automagically increase
the nfq buffer sizes Suricata sets, so that would probably be a good

Suricata gives the following info at startup about nfq buffer sizes:

[4053] 27/8/2010 -- 08:54:42 - (source-nfq.c:267) <Info> (NFQInitThread)
-- binding this thread to queue '0'
[4053] 27/8/2010 -- 08:54:42 - (source-nfq.c:291) <Info> (NFQInitThread)
-- setting queue length to 200
[4053] 27/8/2010 -- 08:54:42 - (source-nfq.c:304) <Info> (NFQInitThread)
-- setting nfnl bufsize to 300000

I don't think the conntrack values are related to nf_queue.


Victor Julien
PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc

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