[Oisf-users] Suricata Performance

Brant Wells bwells at tfc.edu
Mon Jan 18 21:25:18 UTC 2010

Hi All  -- Guess Who?  lol.

Anyhow, I've had Suricata running in IDS mode for a bit today and would like to report on some usage stats.

The last run I've had has been ~15mins or so.  I've let it load all the Snort rules that I have that it can handle (running without the --init-errors-fatal).

The usage, so far has been fairly stable.  After adding Suricata to my list of running apps on the Snort box, the internet doesn't seem to have slowed too noticeably.

The CPU usage is ~120-130%, and the memory usage is at 30.6%.  I have a 20mbit (20 incoming and 20 outgoing) internet connection which is running at ~18mbit download, ~3mbit upload right now.

Snort is running at ~60% CPU usage and 6.2% memory usage.  That's my report.  If you need more detail, let me know.


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