[Oisf-users] OISF Board Nominations Open

Matthew Jonkman jonkman at emergingthreatspro.com
Tue Feb 22 16:32:18 UTC 2011

We had a GREAT meeting at RSA in San Fran last week. Our largest crowd yet, and some really good ideas contributed and refined. We'll have a summary of the proposed phase two development roadmap later this week which was the primary goal of the Brainstorming Session.

Also announced at the meeting was that we need to replace two of our Board Members for the Foundation. The current board is:

Stuart Wilson - Endace
Marc Norton - BAE Systems
Jose Nazario - Arbor Networks
Jennifer Steffens - IOActive
Matt Jonkman - Emerging Threats Pro

Jennifer is stepping down due to time constraints. We thank her for her invaluable contributions over the last year or so.  We're sorry to see her step down officially, but expect she'll still be around.

I'm also stepping down from the board. I am officially President of the foundation, being on the board as well has been useful, but I'd like to see more outside influence on our governance and direction. So I'll step down from the board, but remain president. 

The rest of the board will be up for normal re-election about this time next year. Having two out of cycle members will help us have a less turbulent replacement cycle.

So we have two board positions to fill this year. As per our charter we will solicit public nominations and then hold a public election. Board members are not paid and do not run the day to day operations of the foundation. Their role is to oversee our decisions and guide me as president on the strategic directions and relationships to pursue. In the event I as president of the foundation were not fulfilling my obligations or had lost the confidence of the community it would be the board's responsibility to remove and replace me. We meet by conference call or in person as is possible at least twice a year, more often as issues dictate. This is a low load position, but the board's guidance is very important to me as president. I find it very useful to have a perspective from outside the forest, as we're pretty deep in the weeds of administration and funding issues each day.

The makeup of the board is completely up for election by the community. I prefer to see a few industry experts there for the large scale environment and inside industry guidance, and a few open community and technical experts on the board. But you elect who you'd like to see there.

Members of the board are elected as individuals and NOT as representatives of their employer or organizations. Board members serve for two years and may resign at any time, at which time a special election would be held to replace them. Board members must have the best interest of the foundation and it's projects in mind first and foremost.

Anyone can make a nomination, and you are more than welcome to nominate yourself. It's not too narcissistic to think that you might be an asset to the foundation!

We have several nominations from the Brainstorming Session that have confirmed they would serve if elected:

Dominique Karg - CTO of Alienvault

Randy Caldejon - CTO of nPulse

Paul Royal - Georgia Tech Malware God

I will maintain a list of nominations on the OISF site, http://www.openinfosecfoundation.org.

To make a nomination please email oisf-team at openinfosecfoundation.org, and/or copy discussion at openinfosecfoundation.org. Please make sure you get confirmation of the nomination, if not please call 765-429-0398 to submit the nomination.

We will leave nominations open until Friday March 4th. At that time we will begin the election process.

Thank you for being involved in the operation of the foundation! 


Matthew Jonkman
Emerging Threats Pro
Open Information Security Foundation (OISF)
Phone 765-807-8630
Fax 312-264-0205

PGP: http://www.jonkmans.com/mattjonkman.asc

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