[Oisf-users] Tuning Suricata (2.0beta1) -- no rules and lots of packet loss

Cooper F. Nelson cnelson at ucsd.edu
Thu Aug 15 17:38:46 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

Ok I checked your suricata.yaml and found a few problems.  Probably the
biggest one was setting your default packet size to 9200.  If you are
really using jumbo frames in your environment you should probably filter
those out with a bpf filter rather than trying to process them.

I've put together two configs for you to try, one for autofp and one for
workers mode.  Please also make sure you have your NICs configured
correctly.  This is the part of my startup script that tunes my NIC.
Note that the 'setpci' may be unique to your system.  Also, you will
have to run this for each card (and its very important to restart the
irqbalance daemon after bringing your cards up).

> echo "Tuning intel card..."
> modprobe ixgbe FdirPballoc=3
> #start irqbalance
> /etc/init.d/irqbalance start
> setpci -v -d 8086:10fb e6.b=2e
> ifconfig eth2 up
> ethtool -K eth2 rx off
> ethtool -K eth2 tx off
> ethtool -K eth2 sg off
> ethtool -K eth2 tso off
> ethtool -K eth2 gso off
> ethtool -K eth2 gro off
> ethtool -K eth2 lro off
> ethtool -K eth2 rxvlan off
> ethtool -K eth2 txvlan off
> ethtool -G eth2 rx 4096
> ethtool -N eth2 rx-flow-hash udp4 sdfn

More info on performance tuning the Intel 10gig NICs:


On 8/15/2013 12:39 AM, Tritium Cat wrote:
> Thanks, I will give that a try after I work on filtering out all the
> regular high volume flows I can find.  That has to be the problem.. it
> makes sense now and I feel exceedingly stupid for not addressing it first.
> (trying to analyze all traffic...)  Whenever we meet you are owed food and
> drink, or shoot me your paypal.  At least I have a good sense of failure
> conditions now. :>  I wonder about current DoS attack methodology on
> multi-core IDS systems and the associated flow hashing algorithms... what
> is the minimum volume required and how many flows launched to affect x out
> of y cores on an IDS to cause partial blindness ?  (It is relative to the
> core speed)  Does anyone see such behavior ?  I've not heard or read about
> IDS evasion topics for a long time.  I can sleep now...
> --TC
> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 11:24 PM, Cooper F. Nelson <cnelson at ucsd.edu> wrote:
> You don't have enough memory, you need at least two gigs per core.  On
> my sensor I have three, so I run with deep ring buffers.  So, you need
> at least 96 gigs of RAM on your system (I see you have 64 from the top
> printout).  Try setting your ring size small (like 50000) or getting
> more memory.
> Did you restart irqbalance after you updated the driver?  I've had a
> similar issue in the past that was fixed by restarting irqbalance.
> IF you really have a limit of 32 RX queues, there is an easy fix for
> this.  Just set the 'threads' section in af-packet mode to '32' and it
> will use the first 32 cores only.  This will also fix your memory
> issues, as only 32 ring buffers will be allocated.


- -- 
Cooper Nelson
Network Security Analyst
UCSD ACT Security Team
cnelson at ucsd.edu x41042
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/

-------------- next part --------------
%YAML 1.1

# Suricata configuration file. In addition to the comments describing all
# options in this file, full documentation can be found at:
# https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/projects/suricata/wiki/Suricatayaml

# Number of packets allowed to be processed simultaneously.  Default is a
# conservative 1024. A higher number will make sure CPU's/CPU cores will be
# more easily kept busy, but may negatively impact caching.
# If you are using the CUDA pattern matcher (mpm-algo: ac-cuda), different rules
# apply. In that case try something like 60000 or more. This is because the CUDA
# pattern matcher buffers and scans as many packets as possible in parallel.
max-pending-packets: 512

# Runmode the engine should use. Please check --list-runmodes to get the available
# runmodes for each packet acquisition method. Defaults to "autofp" (auto flow pinned
# load balancing).
runmode: workers

# Specifies the kind of flow load balancer used by the flow pinned autofp mode.
# Supported schedulers are:
# round-robin       - Flows assigned to threads in a round robin fashion.
# active-packets    - Flows assigned to threads that have the lowest number of
#                     unprocessed packets (default).
# hash              - Flow alloted usihng the address hash. More of a random
#                     technique. Was the default in Suricata 1.2.1 and older.
autofp-scheduler: active-packets

# Run suricata as user and group.
# user: suri
# group: suri

# Default pid file.
# Will use this file if no --pidfile in command options.
pid-file: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/var/run/suricata.pid

# Daemon working directory
# Suricata will change directory to this one if provided
# Default: "/"
daemon-directory: "/usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech"

# Preallocated size for packet. Default is 1514 which is the classical
# size for pcap on ethernet. You should adjust this value to the highest
# packet size (MTU + hardware header) on your system.
default-packet-size: 1514 

# The default logging directory.  Any log or output file will be
# placed here if its not specified with a full path name.  This can be
# overridden with the -l command line parameter.
default-log-dir: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/var/log/suricata/

# Unix command socket can be used to pass commands to suricata.
# An external tool can then connect to get information from suricata
# or trigger some modifications of the engine. Set enabled to yes
# to activate the feature. You can use the filename variable to set
# the file name of the socket.
  enabled: no
  #filename: custom.socket

# Configure the type of alert (and other) logging you would like.

  # a line based alerts log similar to Snort's fast.log
  - fast:
      enabled: yes
      filename: fast.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # alert output for use with Barnyard2
  - unified2-alert:
      enabled: no 
      filename: unified2.alert

      # File size limit.  Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number
      # is parsed as bytes.
      #limit: 32mb

      # Sensor ID field of unified2 alerts.
      #sensor-id: 0

  # a line based log of HTTP requests (no alerts)
  - http-log:
      enabled: no  
      filename: http.log
      append: yes
      #extended: yes     # enable this for extended logging information
      #custom: yes       # enabled the custom logging format (defined by customformat)
      #customformat: "%{%D-%H:%M:%S}t.%z %{X-Forwarded-For}i %H %m %h %u %s %B %a:%p -> %A:%P"
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # a line based log of TLS handshake parameters (no alerts)
  - tls-log:
      enabled: no  # Log TLS connections.
      filename: tls.log # File to store TLS logs.
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'
      #extended: yes # Log extended information like fingerprint
      certs-log-dir: certs # directory to store the certificates files

  # a line based log of DNS requests and/or replies (no alerts)
  - dns-log:
      enabled: no 
      filename: dns.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # a line based log to used with pcap file study.
  # this module is dedicated to offline pcap parsing (empty output
  # if used with another kind of input). It can interoperate with
  # pcap parser like wireshark via the suriwire plugin.
  - pcap-info:
      enabled: no

  # Packet log... log packets in pcap format. 2 modes of operation: "normal"
  # and "sguil".
  # In normal mode a pcap file "filename" is created in the default-log-dir,
  # or are as specified by "dir". In Sguil mode "dir" indicates the base directory.
  # In this base dir the pcaps are created in th directory structure Sguil expects:
  # $sguil-base-dir/YYYY-MM-DD/$filename.<timestamp>
  # By default all packets are logged except:
  # - TCP streams beyond stream.reassembly.depth
  # - encrypted streams after the key exchange
  - pcap-log:
      enabled:  no
      filename: log.pcap

      # File size limit.  Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number
      # is parsed as bytes.
      limit: 1000mb

      # If set to a value will enable ring buffer mode. Will keep Maximum of "max-files" of size "limit"
      max-files: 2000

      mode: normal # normal or sguil.
      #sguil-base-dir: /nsm_data/
      #ts-format: usec # sec or usec second format (default) is filename.sec usec is filename.sec.usec
      use-stream-depth: no #If set to "yes" packets seen after reaching stream inspection depth are ignored. "no" logs all packets

  # a full alerts log containing much information for signature writers
  # or for investigating suspected false positives.
  - alert-debug:
      enabled: no
      filename: alert-debug.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # alert output to prelude (http://www.prelude-technologies.com/) only
  # available if Suricata has been compiled with --enable-prelude
  - alert-prelude:
      enabled: no
      profile: suricata
      log-packet-content: no
      log-packet-header: yes

  # Stats.log contains data from various counters of the suricata engine.
  # The interval field (in seconds) tells after how long output will be written
  # on the log file.
  - stats:
      enabled: yes
      filename: stats.log
      interval: 15 

  # a line based alerts log similar to fast.log into syslog
  - syslog:
      enabled: no
      # reported identity to syslog. If ommited the program name (usually
      # suricata) will be used.
      #identity: "suricata"
      facility: local5
      #level: Info ## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical,
                   ## Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug

  # a line based information for dropped packets in IPS mode
  - drop:
      enabled: no
      filename: drop.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # output module to store extracted files to disk
  # The files are stored to the log-dir in a format "file.<id>" where <id> is
  # an incrementing number starting at 1. For each file "file.<id>" a meta
  # file "file.<id>.meta" is created.
  # File extraction depends on a lot of things to be fully done:
  # - stream reassembly depth. For optimal results, set this to 0 (unlimited)
  # - http request / response body sizes. Again set to 0 for optimal results.
  # - rules that contain the "filestore" keyword.
  - file-store:
      enabled: no       # set to yes to enable
      log-dir: files    # directory to store the files
      force-magic: no   # force logging magic on all stored files
      force-md5: no     # force logging of md5 checksums
      #waldo: file.waldo # waldo file to store the file_id across runs

  # output module to log files tracked in a easily parsable json format
  - file-log:
      enabled: no  
      filename: files-json.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

      force-magic: no   # force logging magic on all logged files
      force-md5: no     # force logging of md5 checksums

# Magic file. The extension .mgc is added to the value here.
#magic-file: /usr/share/file/magic
magic-file: /usr/share/file/magic

# When running in NFQ inline mode, it is possible to use a simulated
# non-terminal NFQUEUE verdict.
# This permit to do send all needed packet to suricata via this a rule:
#        iptables -I FORWARD -m mark ! --mark $MARK/$MASK -j NFQUEUE
# And below, you can have your standard filtering ruleset. To activate
# this mode, you need to set mode to 'repeat'
# If you want packet to be sent to another queue after an ACCEPT decision
# set mode to 'route' and set next-queue value.
# On linux >= 3.1, you can set batchcount to a value > 1 to improve performance
# by processing several packets before sending a verdict (worker runmode only).
# On linux >= 3.6, you can set the fail-open option to yes to have the kernel
# accept the packet if suricata is not able to keep pace.
#  mode: accept
#  repeat-mark: 1
#  repeat-mask: 1
#  route-queue: 2
#  batchcount: 20
#  fail-open: yes

# af-packet support
# Set threads to > 1 to use PACKET_FANOUT support
#  - interface: eth0
    # Number of receive threads (>1 will enable experimental flow pinned
    # runmode)
#    threads: 1
    # Default clusterid.  AF_PACKET will load balance packets based on flow.
    # All threads/processes that will participate need to have the same
    # clusterid.
#    cluster-id: 99
    # Default AF_PACKET cluster type. AF_PACKET can load balance per flow or per hash.
    # This is only supported for Linux kernel > 3.1
    # possible value are:
    #  * cluster_round_robin: round robin load balancing
    #  * cluster_flow: all packets of a given flow are send to the same socket
    #  * cluster_cpu: all packets treated in kernel by a CPU are send to the same socket
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
    # In some fragmentation case, the hash can not be computed. If "defrag" is set
    # to yes, the kernel will do the needed defragmentation before sending the packets.
#    defrag: yes
    # To use the ring feature of AF_PACKET, set 'use-mmap' to yes
#    use-mmap: yes
    # Ring size will be computed with respect to max_pending_packets and number
    # of threads. You can set manually the ring size in number of packets by setting
    # the following value. If you are using flow cluster-type and have really network
    # intensive single-flow you could want to set the ring-size independantly of the number
    # of threads:
    #ring-size: 2048
    # On busy system, this could help to set it to yes to recover from a packet drop
    # phase. This will result in some packets (at max a ring flush) being non treated.
    #use-emergency-flush: yes
    # recv buffer size, increase value could improve performance
    # buffer-size: 32768
    # Set to yes to disable promiscuous mode
    # disable-promisc: no
    # Choose checksum verification mode for the interface. At the moment
    # of the capture, some packets may be with an invalid checksum due to
    # offloading to the network card of the checksum computation.
    # Possible values are:
    #  - kernel: use indication sent by kernel for each packet (default)
    #  - yes: checksum validation is forced
    #  - no: checksum validation is disabled
    #  - auto: suricata uses a statistical approach to detect when
    #  checksum off-loading is used.
    # Warning: 'checksum-validation' must be set to yes to have any validation
    #checksum-checks: kernel
    # BPF filter to apply to this interface. The pcap filter syntax apply here.
    #bpf-filter: port 80 or udp
    # You can use the following variables to activate AF_PACKET tap od IPS mode.
    # If copy-mode is set to ips or tap, the traffic coming to the current
    # interface will be copied to the copy-iface interface. If 'tap' is set, the
    # copy is complete. If 'ips' is set, the packet matching a 'drop' action
    # will not be copied.
    #copy-mode: ips
    #copy-iface: eth1
#  - interface: eth1
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 98
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#    defrag: yes
    # buffer-size: 32768
    # disable-promisc: no
  # Put default values here
#  - interface: default
    #threads: 2
    #use-mmap: yes

  - interface: eth4
    threads: 16
    cluster-id: 101
    cluster-type: cluster_cpu 
    defrag: yes
    use-mmap: yes
	ring-size: 100000

  - interface: eth5
    threads: 16
    cluster-id: 102
    cluster-type: cluster_cpu
    defrag: yes
    use-mmap: yes
	ring-size: 100000
  - interface: eth6
    threads: 16
    cluster-id: 103
    cluster-type: cluster_cpu
    defrag: yes
    use-mmap: yes
	ring-size: 100000
  uricontent: enabled

# You can specify a threshold config file by setting "threshold-file"
# to the path of the threshold config file:
# threshold-file: /etc/suricata/threshold.config

# The detection engine builds internal groups of signatures. The engine
# allow us to specify the profile to use for them, to manage memory on an
# efficient way keeping a good performance. For the profile keyword you
# can use the words "low", "medium", "high" or "custom". If you use custom
# make sure to define the values at "- custom-values" as your convenience.
# Usually you would prefer medium/high/low.
# "sgh mpm-context", indicates how the staging should allot mpm contexts for
# the signature groups.  "single" indicates the use of a single context for
# all the signature group heads.  "full" indicates a mpm-context for each
# group head.  "auto" lets the engine decide the distribution of contexts
# based on the information the engine gathers on the patterns from each
# group head.
# The option inspection-recursion-limit is used to limit the recursive calls
# in the content inspection code.  For certain payload-sig combinations, we
# might end up taking too much time in the content inspection code.
# If the argument specified is 0, the engine uses an internally defined
# default limit.  On not specifying a value, we use no limits on the recursion.
  - profile: medium
  - custom-values:
      toclient-src-groups: 300
      toclient-dst-groups: 300
      toclient-sp-groups: 300
      toclient-dp-groups: 400
      toserver-src-groups: 300
      toserver-dst-groups: 500
      toserver-sp-groups: 300
      toserver-dp-groups: 300
  - sgh-mpm-context: auto
  - inspection-recursion-limit: 3000
  # When rule-reload is enabled, sending a USR2 signal to the Suricata process
  # will trigger a live rule reload. Experimental feature, use with care.
  #- rule-reload: true
  # If set to yes, the loading of signatures will be made after the capture
  # is started. This will limit the downtime in IPS mode.
  #- delayed-detect: yes

# Suricata is multi-threaded. Here the threading can be influenced.
  # On some cpu's/architectures it is beneficial to tie individual threads
  # to specific CPU's/CPU cores. In this case all threads are tied to CPU0,
  # and each extra CPU/core has one "detect" thread.
  # On Intel Core2 and Nehalem CPU's enabling this will degrade performance.
  set-cpu-affinity: yes  
  # Tune cpu affinity of suricata threads. Each family of threads can be bound
  # on specific CPUs.
    - management-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "all" ]  # include only these cpus in affinity settings
		mode: "balanced"
#	- receive-cpu-set:
#	    cpu: [ "0-15" ]  # include only these cpus in affinity settings
#	mode: "balanced"
#	- decode-cpu-set:
#        cpu: [ "0-15" ]
#        mode: "balanced"
#    - stream-cpu-set:
#        cpu: [ "0-15" ]
#		mode: "balanced"
    - detect-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "all" ]
        mode: "exclusive" # run detect threads in these cpus
        # Use explicitely 3 threads and don't compute number by using
        # detect-thread-ratio variable:
        # threads: 3
          low: [ 0 ]
          medium: [ "1-2" ]
          high: [ 3 ]
          default: "medium"
    - verdict-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "all" ]
          default: "high"
    - reject-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "all" ]
          default: "low"
    - output-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "all" ]
           default: "medium"
  # By default Suricata creates one "detect" thread per available CPU/CPU core.
  # This setting allows controlling this behaviour. A ratio setting of 2 will
  # create 2 detect threads for each CPU/CPU core. So for a dual core CPU this
  # will result in 4 detect threads. If values below 1 are used, less threads
  # are created. So on a dual core CPU a setting of 0.5 results in 1 detect
  # thread being created. Regardless of the setting at a minimum 1 detect
  # thread will always be created.
  detect-thread-ratio: 1.5 

# Cuda configuration.
  # The "mpm" profile.  On not specifying any of these parameters, the engine's
  # internal default values are used, which are same as the ones specified in
  # in the default conf file.
    # The minimum length required to buffer data to the gpu.
    # Anything below this is MPM'ed on the CPU.
    # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
    # A value of 0 indicates there's no limit.
    data-buffer-size-min-limit: 0
    # The maximum length for data that we would buffer to the gpu.
    # Anything over this is MPM'ed on the CPU.
    # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
    data-buffer-size-max-limit: 1500
    # The ring buffer size used by the CudaBuffer API to buffer data.
    cudabuffer-buffer-size: 500mb
    # The max chunk size that can be sent to the gpu in a single go.
    gpu-transfer-size: 50mb
    # The timeout limit for batching of packets in microseconds.
    batching-timeout: 2000
    # The device to use for the mpm.  Currently we don't support load balancing
    # on multiple gpus.  In case you have multiple devices on your system, you
    # can specify the device to use, using this conf.  By default we hold 0, to
    # specify the first device cuda sees.  To find out device-id associated with
    # the card(s) on the system run "suricata --list-cuda-cards".
    device-id: 0
    # No of Cuda streams used for asynchronous processing. All values > 0 are valid.
    # For this option you need a device with Compute Capability > 1.0.
    cuda-streams: 2

# Select the multi pattern algorithm you want to run for scan/search the
# in the engine. The supported algorithms are b2g, b2gc, b2gm, b3g, wumanber,
# ac and ac-gfbs.
# The mpm you choose also decides the distribution of mpm contexts for
# signature groups, specified by the conf - "detect-engine.sgh-mpm-context".
# Selecting "ac" as the mpm would require "detect-engine.sgh-mpm-context"
# to be set to "single", because of ac's memory requirements, unless the
# ruleset is small enough to fit in one's memory, in which case one can
# use "full" with "ac".  Rest of the mpms can be run in "full" mode.
# There is also a CUDA pattern matcher (only available if Suricata was
# compiled with --enable-cuda: b2g_cuda. Make sure to update your
# max-pending-packets setting above as well if you use b2g_cuda.

mpm-algo: ac

# The memory settings for hash size of these algorithms can vary from lowest
# (2048) - low (4096) - medium (8192) - high (16384) - higher (32768) - max
# (65536). The bloomfilter sizes of these algorithms can vary from low (512) -
# medium (1024) - high (2048).
# For B2g/B3g algorithms, there is a support for two different scan/search
# algorithms. For B2g the scan algorithms are B2gScan & B2gScanBNDMq, and
# search algorithms are B2gSearch & B2gSearchBNDMq. For B3g scan algorithms
# are B3gScan & B3gScanBNDMq, and search algorithms are B3gSearch &
# B3gSearchBNDMq.
# For B2g the different scan/search algorithms and, hash and bloom
# filter size settings. For B3g the different scan/search algorithms and, hash
# and bloom filter size settings. For wumanber the hash and bloom filter size
# settings.

  - b2gc:
      search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium
  - b2gm:
      search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium
  - b2g:
      search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium
  - b3g:
      search-algo: B3gSearchBNDMq
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium
  - wumanber:
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium

# Defrag settings:

  memcap: 512mb
  hash-size: 65536
  trackers: 65535 # number of defragmented flows to follow
  max-frags: 262140 # number of fragments to keep (higher than trackers)
  prealloc: yes
  timeout: 60

# Flow settings:
# By default, the reserved memory (memcap) for flows is 32MB. This is the limit
# for flow allocation inside the engine. You can change this value to allow
# more memory usage for flows.
# The hash-size determine the size of the hash used to identify flows inside
# the engine, and by default the value is 65536.
# At the startup, the engine can preallocate a number of flows, to get a better
# performance. The number of flows preallocated is 10000 by default.
# emergency-recovery is the percentage of flows that the engine need to
# prune before unsetting the emergency state. The emergency state is activated
# when the memcap limit is reached, allowing to create new flows, but
# prunning them with the emergency timeouts (they are defined below).
# If the memcap is reached, the engine will try to prune flows
# with the default timeouts. If it doens't find a flow to prune, it will set
# the emergency bit and it will try again with more agressive timeouts.
# If that doesn't work, then it will try to kill the last time seen flows
# not in use.
# The memcap can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates it's
# in bytes.
  memcap: 32mb 
  hash-size: 65536  
  prealloc: 50000
  emergency-recovery: 30

# Specific timeouts for flows. Here you can specify the timeouts that the
# active flows will wait to transit from the current state to another, on each
# protocol. The value of "new" determine the seconds to wait after a hanshake or
# stream startup before the engine free the data of that flow it doesn't
# change the state to established (usually if we don't receive more packets
# of that flow). The value of "established" is the amount of
# seconds that the engine will wait to free the flow if it spend that amount
# without receiving new packets or closing the connection. "closed" is the
# amount of time to wait after a flow is closed (usually zero).
# There's an emergency mode that will become active under attack circumstances,
# making the engine to check flow status faster. This configuration variables
# use the prefix "emergency-" and work similar as the normal ones.
# Some timeouts doesn't apply to all the protocols, like "closed", for udp and
# icmp.


    new: 5
    established: 5
    closed: 0
    emergency-new: 1
    emergency-established: 1
    emergency-closed: 0
    new: 5
    established: 5
    closed: 0
    emergency-new: 1
    emergency-established: 1
    emergency-closed: 0
    new: 5
    established: 5
    emergency-new: 1
    emergency-established: 1
    new: 5
    established: 5
    emergency-new: 1
    emergency-established: 1

# Stream engine settings. Here the TCP stream tracking and reassembly
# engine is configured.
# stream:
#   memcap: 32mb                # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a
#                               # number indicates it's in bytes.
#   checksum-validation: yes    # To validate the checksum of received
#                               # packet. If csum validation is specified as
#                               # "yes", then packet with invalid csum will not
#                               # be processed by the engine stream/app layer.
#                               # Warning: locally generated trafic can be
#                               # generated without checksum due to hardware offload
#                               # of checksum. You can control the handling of checksum
#                               # on a per-interface basis via the 'checksum-checks'
#                               # option
#   prealloc-sessions: 2k       # 2k sessions prealloc'd per stream thread
#   midstream: false            # don't allow midstream session pickups
#   async-oneside: false        # don't enable async stream handling
#   inline: no                  # stream inline mode
#   max-synack-queued: 5        # Max different SYN/ACKs to queue
#   reassembly:
#     memcap: 64mb              # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number
#                               # indicates it's in bytes.
#     depth: 1mb                # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number
#                               # indicates it's in bytes.
#     toserver-chunk-size: 2560 # inspect raw stream in chunks of at least
#                               # this size.  Can be specified in kb, mb,
#                               # gb.  Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
#                               # The max acceptable size is 4024 bytes.
#     toclient-chunk-size: 2560 # inspect raw stream in chunks of at least
#                               # this size.  Can be specified in kb, mb,
#                               # gb.  Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
#                               # The max acceptable size is 4024 bytes.
#     randomize-chunk-size: yes # Take a random value for chunk size around the specified value.
#                               # This lower the risk of some evasion technics but could lead
#                               # detection change between runs. It is set to 'yes' by default.
#     randomize-chunk-range: 10 # If randomize-chunk-size is active, the value of chunk-size is
#                               # a random value between (1 - randomize-chunk-range/100)*randomize-chunk-size
#                               # and (1 + randomize-chunk-range/100)*randomize-chunk-size. Default value
#                               # of randomize-chunk-range is 10.
  memcap: 12gb
  prealloc-sessions: 10000000
  checksum-validation: yes      # reject wrong csums
  inline: no                    # auto will use inline mode in IPS mode, yes or no set it statically
    memcap: 14gb
    depth: 1mb                  # reassemble 1mb into a stream
    toserver-chunk-size: 2560
    toclient-chunk-size: 2560
    randomize-chunk-size: yes
    #randomize-chunk-range: 10

# Host table:
# Host table is used by tagging and per host thresholding subsystems.
  hash-size: 4096
  prealloc: 1000
  memcap: 16777216

# Logging configuration.  This is not about logging IDS alerts, but
# IDS output about what its doing, errors, etc.

  # The default log level, can be overridden in an output section.
  # Note that debug level logging will only be emitted if Suricata was
  # compiled with the --enable-debug configure option.
  # This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_LEVEL env var.
  default-log-level: info

  # The default output format.  Optional parameter, should default to
  # something reasonable if not provided.  Can be overriden in an
  # output section.  You can leave this out to get the default.
  # This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_FORMAT env var.
  #default-log-format: "[%i] %t - (%f:%l) <%d> (%n) -- "

  # A regex to filter output.  Can be overridden in an output section.
  # Defaults to empty (no filter).
  # This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_OP_FILTER env var.

  # Define your logging outputs.  If none are defined, or they are all
  # disabled you will get the default - console output.
  - console:
      enabled: yes
  - file:
      enabled: yes  
      filename: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/var/log/suricata/suricata.log
  - syslog:
      enabled: no
      facility: local5
      format: "[%i] <%d> -- "

# PF_RING configuration. for use with native PF_RING support
# for more info see http://www.ntop.org/PF_RING.html
#  - interface: eth0
    # Number of receive threads (>1 will enable experimental flow pinned
    # runmode)
#    threads: 1

    # Default clusterid.  PF_RING will load balance packets based on flow.
    # All threads/processes that will participate need to have the same
    # clusterid.
#    cluster-id: 99

    # Default PF_RING cluster type. PF_RING can load balance per flow or per hash.
    # This is only supported in versions of PF_RING > 4.1.1.
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
    # bpf filter for this interface
    #bpf-filter: tcp
    # Choose checksum verification mode for the interface. At the moment
    # of the capture, some packets may be with an invalid checksum due to
    # offloading to the network card of the checksum computation.
    # Possible values are:
    #  - rxonly: only compute checksum for packets received by network card.
    #  - yes: checksum validation is forced
    #  - no: checksum validation is disabled
    #  - auto: suricata uses a statistical approach to detect when
    #  checksum off-loading is used. (default)
    # Warning: 'checksum-validation' must be set to yes to have any validation
    #checksum-checks: auto
  # Second interface
  #- interface: eth1
  #  threads: 3
  #  cluster-id: 93
  #  cluster-type: cluster_flow
  # Put default values here
#  - interface: default
    #threads: 2

#  - interface: eth4
#    threads: 12
#    cluster-id: 10
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: eth5 
#    threads: 12
#    cluster-id: 11
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: eth6
#    threads: 12
#    cluster-id: 20
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: eth7
#    threads: 12
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow

#  - interface: dna3 at 0 
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 1
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 2
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 3
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 4
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 5
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 6
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 7
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 8
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 9
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 10
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 11
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 12
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 13
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 14
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 15
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow

  - interface: eth0
    # On Linux, pcap will try to use mmaped capture and will use buffer-size
    # as total of memory used by the ring. So set this to something bigger
    # than 1% of your bandwidth.
    #buffer-size: 16777216
    #bpf-filter: "tcp and port 25"
    # Choose checksum verification mode for the interface. At the moment
    # of the capture, some packets may be with an invalid checksum due to
    # offloading to the network card of the checksum computation.
    # Possible values are:
    #  - yes: checksum validation is forced
    #  - no: checksum validation is disabled
    #  - auto: suricata uses a statistical approach to detect when
    #  checksum off-loading is used. (default)
    # Warning: 'checksum-validation' must be set to yes to have any validation
    #checksum-checks: auto
    # With some accelerator cards using a modified libpcap (like myricom), you
    # may want to have the same number of capture threads as the number of capture
    # rings. In this case, set up the threads variable to N to start N threads
    # listening on the same interface.
    #threads: 16
    # set to no to disable promiscuous mode:
    #promisc: no
    # set snaplen, if not set it defaults to MTU if MTU can be known
    # via ioctl call and to full capture if not.
    #snaplen: 1518
  # Put default values here
  - interface: default
    #checksum-checks: auto

# For FreeBSD ipfw(8) divert(4) support.
# Please make sure you have ipfw_load="YES" and ipdivert_load="YES"
# in /etc/loader.conf or kldload'ing the appropriate kernel modules.
# Additionally, you need to have an ipfw rule for the engine to see
# the packets from ipfw.  For Example:
#   ipfw add 100 divert 8000 ip from any to any
# The 8000 above should be the same number you passed on the command
# line, i.e. -d 8000

  # Reinject packets at the specified ipfw rule number.  This config
  # option is the ipfw rule number AT WHICH rule processing continues
  # in the ipfw processing system after the engine has finished
  # inspecting the packet for acceptance.  If no rule number is specified,
  # accepted packets are reinjected at the divert rule which they entered
  # and IPFW rule processing continues.  No check is done to verify
  # this will rule makes sense so care must be taken to avoid loops in ipfw.
  ## The following example tells the engine to reinject packets
  # back into the ipfw firewall AT rule number 5500:
  # ipfw-reinjection-rule-number: 5500

# Set the default rule path here to search for the files.
# if not set, it will look at the current working dir
default-rule-path: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/rules
 - botcc.rules
 - ciarmy.rules
 - compromised.rules
 - drop.rules
 - dshield.rules
 - emerging-activex.rules
 - emerging-attack_response.rules
 - emerging-chat.rules
 - emerging-current_events.rules
 - emerging-dns.rules
 - emerging-dos.rules
 - emerging-exploit.rules
 - emerging-ftp.rules
 - emerging-games.rules
 - emerging-icmp_info.rules
 - emerging-icmp.rules
 - emerging-imap.rules
 - emerging-inappropriate.rules
 - emerging-malware.rules
 - emerging-misc.rules
 - emerging-mobile_malware.rules
 - emerging-netbios.rules
 - emerging-p2p.rules
 - emerging-policy.rules
 - emerging-pop3.rules
 - emerging-rpc.rules
 - emerging-scada.rules
 - emerging-scan.rules
 - emerging-shellcode.rules
 - emerging-smtp.rules
 - emerging-snmp.rules
 - emerging-sql.rules
 - emerging-telnet.rules
 - emerging-tftp.rules
 - emerging-trojan.rules
 - emerging-user_agents.rules
 - emerging-virus.rules
 - emerging-voip.rules
 - emerging-web_client.rules
 - emerging-web_server.rules
 - emerging-web_specific_apps.rules
 - emerging-worm.rules
 - rbn-malvertisers.rules
 - rbn.rules
 - tor.rules
# - decoder-events.rules # available in suricata sources under rules dir
# - stream-events.rules  # available in suricata sources under rules dir
# - http-events.rules    # available in suricata sources under rules dir
 - smtp-events.rules    # available in suricata sources under rules dir
# - dns-events.rules     # available in suricata sources under rules dir

classification-file: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/classification.config
reference-config-file: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/reference.config

# Holds variables that would be used by the engine.

  # Holds the address group vars that would be passed in a Signature.
  # These would be retrieved during the Signature address parsing stage.

    HOME_NET: "[,,,,,,]"

  # Holds the port group vars that would be passed in a Signature.
  # These would be retrieved during the Signature port parsing stage.

    HTTP_PORTS: "80"
    ORACLE_PORTS: 1521
    SSH_PORTS: 22
    DNP3_PORTS: 20000

# Set the order of alerts bassed on actions
# The default order is pass, drop, reject, alert
  - pass
  - drop
  - reject
  - alert

# IP Reputation
#reputation-categories-file: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/iprep/categories.txt
#default-reputation-path: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/iprep
# - reputation.list

# Host specific policies for defragmentation and TCP stream
# reassembly.  The host OS lookup is done using a radix tree, just
# like a routing table so the most specific entry matches.
  # Make the default policy windows.
  windows: []
  bsd: []
  bsd-right: []
  old-linux: []
  linux: []
  old-solaris: []
  solaris: ["::1"]
  hpux10: []
  hpux11: []
  irix: []
  macos: []
  vista: []
  windows2k3: []

# Limit for the maximum number of asn1 frames to decode (default 256)
asn1-max-frames: 256

# When run with the option --engine-analysis, the engine will read each of
# the parameters below, and print reports for each of the enabled sections
# and exit.  The reports are printed to a file in the default log dir
# given by the parameter "default-log-dir", with engine reporting
# subsection below printing reports in its own report file.
  # enables printing reports for fast-pattern for every rule.
  rules-fast-pattern: yes
  # enables printing reports for each rule
  rules: yes

#recursion and match limits for PCRE where supported
  match-limit: 3500
  match-limit-recursion: 1500

# Configure libhtp.
# default-config:           Used when no server-config matches
#   personality:            List of personalities used by default
#   request-body-limit:     Limit reassembly of request body for inspection
#                           by http_client_body & pcre /P option.
#   response-body-limit:    Limit reassembly of response body for inspection
#                           by file_data, http_server_body & pcre /Q option.
#   double-decode-path:     Double decode path section of the URI
#   double-decode-query:    Double decode query section of the URI
# server-config:            List of server configurations to use if address matches
#   address:                List of ip addresses or networks for this block
#   personalitiy:           List of personalities used by this block
#   request-body-limit:     Limit reassembly of request body for inspection
#                           by http_client_body & pcre /P option.
#   response-body-limit:    Limit reassembly of response body for inspection
#                           by file_data, http_server_body & pcre /Q option.
#   double-decode-path:     Double decode path section of the URI
#   double-decode-query:    Double decode query section of the URI
# Currently Available Personalities:
#   Minimal
#   Generic
#   IDS (default)
#   IIS_4_0
#   IIS_5_0
#   IIS_5_1
#   IIS_6_0
#   IIS_7_0
#   IIS_7_5
#   Apache_2

     personality: IDS

     # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates
     # it's in bytes.
     request-body-limit: 3072
     response-body-limit: 3072

     # inspection limits
     request-body-minimal-inspect-size: 32kb
     request-body-inspect-window: 4kb
     response-body-minimal-inspect-size: 32kb
     response-body-inspect-window: 4kb

     # decoding
     double-decode-path: no
     double-decode-query: no


     - apache:
         address: [,, "::1"]
         personality: Apache_2
         # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates
         # it's in bytes.
         request-body-limit: 4096
         response-body-limit: 4096
         double-decode-path: no
         double-decode-query: no

     - iis7:
         personality: IIS_7_0
         # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates
         # it's in bytes.
         request-body-limit: 4096
         response-body-limit: 4096
         double-decode-path: no
         double-decode-query: no

# Profiling settings. Only effective if Suricata has been built with the
# the --enable-profiling configure flag.

  # rule profiling

    # Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
    # performance impact if compiled in.
    enabled: yes
    filename: rule_perf.log
    append: yes

    # Sort options: ticks, avgticks, checks, matches, maxticks
    sort: avgticks

    # Limit the number of items printed at exit.
    limit: 100

  # packet profiling

    # Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
    # performance impact if compiled in.
    enabled: yes
    filename: packet_stats.log
    append: yes

    # per packet csv output

      # Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
      # performance impact if compiled in.
      enabled: no
      filename: packet_stats.csv

  # profiling of locking. Only available when Suricata was built with
  # --enable-profiling-locks.
    enabled: no
    filename: lock_stats.log
    append: yes

# Suricata core dump configuration. Limits the size of the core dump file to
# approximately max-dump. The actual core dump size will be a multiple of the
# page size. Core dumps that would be larger than max-dump are truncated. On
# Linux, the actual core dump size may be a few pages larger than max-dump.
# Setting max-dump to 0 disables core dumping.
# Setting max-dump to 'unlimited' will give the full core dump file.
# On 32-bit Linux, a max-dump value >= ULONG_MAX may cause the core dump size
# to be 'unlimited'.

  max-dump: unlimited

    # The Host Buffer Allowance for all streams
    # (-1 = OFF, 1 - 100 = percentage of the host buffer that can be held back)
    hba: -1

    # use_all_streams set to "yes" will query the Napatech service for all configured
    # streams and listen on all of them. When set to "no" the streams config array
    # will be used.
    use-all-streams: yes

    # The streams to listen on
    streams: [1, 2, 3]
-------------- next part --------------
%YAML 1.1

# Suricata configuration file. In addition to the comments describing all
# options in this file, full documentation can be found at:
# https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/projects/suricata/wiki/Suricatayaml

# Number of packets allowed to be processed simultaneously.  Default is a
# conservative 1024. A higher number will make sure CPU's/CPU cores will be
# more easily kept busy, but may negatively impact caching.
# If you are using the CUDA pattern matcher (mpm-algo: ac-cuda), different rules
# apply. In that case try something like 60000 or more. This is because the CUDA
# pattern matcher buffers and scans as many packets as possible in parallel.
max-pending-packets: 1024

# Runmode the engine should use. Please check --list-runmodes to get the available
# runmodes for each packet acquisition method. Defaults to "autofp" (auto flow pinned
# load balancing).
runmode: autofp 

# Specifies the kind of flow load balancer used by the flow pinned autofp mode.
# Supported schedulers are:
# round-robin       - Flows assigned to threads in a round robin fashion.
# active-packets    - Flows assigned to threads that have the lowest number of
#                     unprocessed packets (default).
# hash              - Flow alloted usihng the address hash. More of a random
#                     technique. Was the default in Suricata 1.2.1 and older.
autofp-scheduler: active-packets

# Run suricata as user and group.
# user: suri
# group: suri

# Default pid file.
# Will use this file if no --pidfile in command options.
pid-file: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/var/run/suricata.pid

# Daemon working directory
# Suricata will change directory to this one if provided
# Default: "/"
daemon-directory: "/usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech"

# Preallocated size for packet. Default is 1514 which is the classical
# size for pcap on ethernet. You should adjust this value to the highest
# packet size (MTU + hardware header) on your system.
default-packet-size: 1514 

# The default logging directory.  Any log or output file will be
# placed here if its not specified with a full path name.  This can be
# overridden with the -l command line parameter.
default-log-dir: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/var/log/suricata/

# Unix command socket can be used to pass commands to suricata.
# An external tool can then connect to get information from suricata
# or trigger some modifications of the engine. Set enabled to yes
# to activate the feature. You can use the filename variable to set
# the file name of the socket.
  enabled: no
  #filename: custom.socket

# Configure the type of alert (and other) logging you would like.

  # a line based alerts log similar to Snort's fast.log
  - fast:
      enabled: yes
      filename: fast.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # alert output for use with Barnyard2
  - unified2-alert:
      enabled: no 
      filename: unified2.alert

      # File size limit.  Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number
      # is parsed as bytes.
      #limit: 32mb

      # Sensor ID field of unified2 alerts.
      #sensor-id: 0

  # a line based log of HTTP requests (no alerts)
  - http-log:
      enabled: no  
      filename: http.log
      append: yes
      #extended: yes     # enable this for extended logging information
      #custom: yes       # enabled the custom logging format (defined by customformat)
      #customformat: "%{%D-%H:%M:%S}t.%z %{X-Forwarded-For}i %H %m %h %u %s %B %a:%p -> %A:%P"
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # a line based log of TLS handshake parameters (no alerts)
  - tls-log:
      enabled: no  # Log TLS connections.
      filename: tls.log # File to store TLS logs.
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'
      #extended: yes # Log extended information like fingerprint
      certs-log-dir: certs # directory to store the certificates files

  # a line based log of DNS requests and/or replies (no alerts)
  - dns-log:
      enabled: no 
      filename: dns.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # a line based log to used with pcap file study.
  # this module is dedicated to offline pcap parsing (empty output
  # if used with another kind of input). It can interoperate with
  # pcap parser like wireshark via the suriwire plugin.
  - pcap-info:
      enabled: no

  # Packet log... log packets in pcap format. 2 modes of operation: "normal"
  # and "sguil".
  # In normal mode a pcap file "filename" is created in the default-log-dir,
  # or are as specified by "dir". In Sguil mode "dir" indicates the base directory.
  # In this base dir the pcaps are created in th directory structure Sguil expects:
  # $sguil-base-dir/YYYY-MM-DD/$filename.<timestamp>
  # By default all packets are logged except:
  # - TCP streams beyond stream.reassembly.depth
  # - encrypted streams after the key exchange
  - pcap-log:
      enabled:  no
      filename: log.pcap

      # File size limit.  Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number
      # is parsed as bytes.
      limit: 1000mb

      # If set to a value will enable ring buffer mode. Will keep Maximum of "max-files" of size "limit"
      max-files: 2000

      mode: normal # normal or sguil.
      #sguil-base-dir: /nsm_data/
      #ts-format: usec # sec or usec second format (default) is filename.sec usec is filename.sec.usec
      use-stream-depth: no #If set to "yes" packets seen after reaching stream inspection depth are ignored. "no" logs all packets

  # a full alerts log containing much information for signature writers
  # or for investigating suspected false positives.
  - alert-debug:
      enabled: no
      filename: alert-debug.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # alert output to prelude (http://www.prelude-technologies.com/) only
  # available if Suricata has been compiled with --enable-prelude
  - alert-prelude:
      enabled: no
      profile: suricata
      log-packet-content: no
      log-packet-header: yes

  # Stats.log contains data from various counters of the suricata engine.
  # The interval field (in seconds) tells after how long output will be written
  # on the log file.
  - stats:
      enabled: yes
      filename: stats.log
      interval: 15 

  # a line based alerts log similar to fast.log into syslog
  - syslog:
      enabled: no
      # reported identity to syslog. If ommited the program name (usually
      # suricata) will be used.
      #identity: "suricata"
      facility: local5
      #level: Info ## possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical,
                   ## Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug

  # a line based information for dropped packets in IPS mode
  - drop:
      enabled: no
      filename: drop.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

  # output module to store extracted files to disk
  # The files are stored to the log-dir in a format "file.<id>" where <id> is
  # an incrementing number starting at 1. For each file "file.<id>" a meta
  # file "file.<id>.meta" is created.
  # File extraction depends on a lot of things to be fully done:
  # - stream reassembly depth. For optimal results, set this to 0 (unlimited)
  # - http request / response body sizes. Again set to 0 for optimal results.
  # - rules that contain the "filestore" keyword.
  - file-store:
      enabled: no       # set to yes to enable
      log-dir: files    # directory to store the files
      force-magic: no   # force logging magic on all stored files
      force-md5: no     # force logging of md5 checksums
      #waldo: file.waldo # waldo file to store the file_id across runs

  # output module to log files tracked in a easily parsable json format
  - file-log:
      enabled: no  
      filename: files-json.log
      append: yes
      #filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or 'unix_dgram'

      force-magic: no   # force logging magic on all logged files
      force-md5: no     # force logging of md5 checksums

# Magic file. The extension .mgc is added to the value here.
#magic-file: /usr/share/file/magic
magic-file: /usr/share/file/magic

# When running in NFQ inline mode, it is possible to use a simulated
# non-terminal NFQUEUE verdict.
# This permit to do send all needed packet to suricata via this a rule:
#        iptables -I FORWARD -m mark ! --mark $MARK/$MASK -j NFQUEUE
# And below, you can have your standard filtering ruleset. To activate
# this mode, you need to set mode to 'repeat'
# If you want packet to be sent to another queue after an ACCEPT decision
# set mode to 'route' and set next-queue value.
# On linux >= 3.1, you can set batchcount to a value > 1 to improve performance
# by processing several packets before sending a verdict (worker runmode only).
# On linux >= 3.6, you can set the fail-open option to yes to have the kernel
# accept the packet if suricata is not able to keep pace.
#  mode: accept
#  repeat-mark: 1
#  repeat-mask: 1
#  route-queue: 2
#  batchcount: 20
#  fail-open: yes

# af-packet support
# Set threads to > 1 to use PACKET_FANOUT support
#  - interface: eth0
    # Number of receive threads (>1 will enable experimental flow pinned
    # runmode)
#    threads: 1
    # Default clusterid.  AF_PACKET will load balance packets based on flow.
    # All threads/processes that will participate need to have the same
    # clusterid.
#    cluster-id: 99
    # Default AF_PACKET cluster type. AF_PACKET can load balance per flow or per hash.
    # This is only supported for Linux kernel > 3.1
    # possible value are:
    #  * cluster_round_robin: round robin load balancing
    #  * cluster_flow: all packets of a given flow are send to the same socket
    #  * cluster_cpu: all packets treated in kernel by a CPU are send to the same socket
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
    # In some fragmentation case, the hash can not be computed. If "defrag" is set
    # to yes, the kernel will do the needed defragmentation before sending the packets.
#    defrag: yes
    # To use the ring feature of AF_PACKET, set 'use-mmap' to yes
#    use-mmap: yes
    # Ring size will be computed with respect to max_pending_packets and number
    # of threads. You can set manually the ring size in number of packets by setting
    # the following value. If you are using flow cluster-type and have really network
    # intensive single-flow you could want to set the ring-size independantly of the number
    # of threads:
    #ring-size: 2048
    # On busy system, this could help to set it to yes to recover from a packet drop
    # phase. This will result in some packets (at max a ring flush) being non treated.
    #use-emergency-flush: yes
    # recv buffer size, increase value could improve performance
    # buffer-size: 32768
    # Set to yes to disable promiscuous mode
    # disable-promisc: no
    # Choose checksum verification mode for the interface. At the moment
    # of the capture, some packets may be with an invalid checksum due to
    # offloading to the network card of the checksum computation.
    # Possible values are:
    #  - kernel: use indication sent by kernel for each packet (default)
    #  - yes: checksum validation is forced
    #  - no: checksum validation is disabled
    #  - auto: suricata uses a statistical approach to detect when
    #  checksum off-loading is used.
    # Warning: 'checksum-validation' must be set to yes to have any validation
    #checksum-checks: kernel
    # BPF filter to apply to this interface. The pcap filter syntax apply here.
    #bpf-filter: port 80 or udp
    # You can use the following variables to activate AF_PACKET tap od IPS mode.
    # If copy-mode is set to ips or tap, the traffic coming to the current
    # interface will be copied to the copy-iface interface. If 'tap' is set, the
    # copy is complete. If 'ips' is set, the packet matching a 'drop' action
    # will not be copied.
    #copy-mode: ips
    #copy-iface: eth1
#  - interface: eth1
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 98
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#    defrag: yes
    # buffer-size: 32768
    # disable-promisc: no
  # Put default values here
#  - interface: default
    #threads: 2
    #use-mmap: yes

  - interface: eth4
    threads: 11
    cluster-id: 101
    cluster-type: cluster_cpu 
    defrag: yes
    use-mmap: yes
	ring-size: 300000

  - interface: eth5
    threads: 11
    cluster-id: 102
    cluster-type: cluster_cpu
    defrag: yes
    use-mmap: yes
	ring-size: 300000
  - interface: eth6
    threads: 10
    cluster-id: 103
    cluster-type: cluster_cpu
    defrag: yes
    use-mmap: yes
	ring-size: 300000
  uricontent: enabled

# You can specify a threshold config file by setting "threshold-file"
# to the path of the threshold config file:
# threshold-file: /etc/suricata/threshold.config

# The detection engine builds internal groups of signatures. The engine
# allow us to specify the profile to use for them, to manage memory on an
# efficient way keeping a good performance. For the profile keyword you
# can use the words "low", "medium", "high" or "custom". If you use custom
# make sure to define the values at "- custom-values" as your convenience.
# Usually you would prefer medium/high/low.
# "sgh mpm-context", indicates how the staging should allot mpm contexts for
# the signature groups.  "single" indicates the use of a single context for
# all the signature group heads.  "full" indicates a mpm-context for each
# group head.  "auto" lets the engine decide the distribution of contexts
# based on the information the engine gathers on the patterns from each
# group head.
# The option inspection-recursion-limit is used to limit the recursive calls
# in the content inspection code.  For certain payload-sig combinations, we
# might end up taking too much time in the content inspection code.
# If the argument specified is 0, the engine uses an internally defined
# default limit.  On not specifying a value, we use no limits on the recursion.
  - profile: medium
  - custom-values:
      toclient-src-groups: 300
      toclient-dst-groups: 300
      toclient-sp-groups: 300
      toclient-dp-groups: 400
      toserver-src-groups: 300
      toserver-dst-groups: 500
      toserver-sp-groups: 300
      toserver-dp-groups: 300
  - sgh-mpm-context: auto
  - inspection-recursion-limit: 3000
  # When rule-reload is enabled, sending a USR2 signal to the Suricata process
  # will trigger a live rule reload. Experimental feature, use with care.
  #- rule-reload: true
  # If set to yes, the loading of signatures will be made after the capture
  # is started. This will limit the downtime in IPS mode.
  #- delayed-detect: yes

# Suricata is multi-threaded. Here the threading can be influenced.
  # On some cpu's/architectures it is beneficial to tie individual threads
  # to specific CPU's/CPU cores. In this case all threads are tied to CPU0,
  # and each extra CPU/core has one "detect" thread.
  # On Intel Core2 and Nehalem CPU's enabling this will degrade performance.
  set-cpu-affinity: yes  
  # Tune cpu affinity of suricata threads. Each family of threads can be bound
  # on specific CPUs.
    - management-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "0-15" ]  # include only these cpus in affinity settings
		mode: "balanced"
	- receive-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "0-15" ]  # include only these cpus in affinity settings
	- decode-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "0-15" ]
    - stream-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "0-15" ]
    - detect-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "16-47" ]
        mode: "exclusive" # run detect threads in these cpus
        # Use explicitely 3 threads and don't compute number by using
        # detect-thread-ratio variable:
        # threads: 3
          low: [ 0 ]
          medium: [ "1-2" ]
          high: [ 3 ]
          default: "medium"
    - verdict-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "0-15" ]
          default: "high"
    - reject-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "0-15" ]
          default: "low"
    - output-cpu-set:
        cpu: [ "0-15" ]
           default: "medium"
  # By default Suricata creates one "detect" thread per available CPU/CPU core.
  # This setting allows controlling this behaviour. A ratio setting of 2 will
  # create 2 detect threads for each CPU/CPU core. So for a dual core CPU this
  # will result in 4 detect threads. If values below 1 are used, less threads
  # are created. So on a dual core CPU a setting of 0.5 results in 1 detect
  # thread being created. Regardless of the setting at a minimum 1 detect
  # thread will always be created.
  detect-thread-ratio: 1.5 

# Cuda configuration.
  # The "mpm" profile.  On not specifying any of these parameters, the engine's
  # internal default values are used, which are same as the ones specified in
  # in the default conf file.
    # The minimum length required to buffer data to the gpu.
    # Anything below this is MPM'ed on the CPU.
    # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
    # A value of 0 indicates there's no limit.
    data-buffer-size-min-limit: 0
    # The maximum length for data that we would buffer to the gpu.
    # Anything over this is MPM'ed on the CPU.
    # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
    data-buffer-size-max-limit: 1500
    # The ring buffer size used by the CudaBuffer API to buffer data.
    cudabuffer-buffer-size: 500mb
    # The max chunk size that can be sent to the gpu in a single go.
    gpu-transfer-size: 50mb
    # The timeout limit for batching of packets in microseconds.
    batching-timeout: 2000
    # The device to use for the mpm.  Currently we don't support load balancing
    # on multiple gpus.  In case you have multiple devices on your system, you
    # can specify the device to use, using this conf.  By default we hold 0, to
    # specify the first device cuda sees.  To find out device-id associated with
    # the card(s) on the system run "suricata --list-cuda-cards".
    device-id: 0
    # No of Cuda streams used for asynchronous processing. All values > 0 are valid.
    # For this option you need a device with Compute Capability > 1.0.
    cuda-streams: 2

# Select the multi pattern algorithm you want to run for scan/search the
# in the engine. The supported algorithms are b2g, b2gc, b2gm, b3g, wumanber,
# ac and ac-gfbs.
# The mpm you choose also decides the distribution of mpm contexts for
# signature groups, specified by the conf - "detect-engine.sgh-mpm-context".
# Selecting "ac" as the mpm would require "detect-engine.sgh-mpm-context"
# to be set to "single", because of ac's memory requirements, unless the
# ruleset is small enough to fit in one's memory, in which case one can
# use "full" with "ac".  Rest of the mpms can be run in "full" mode.
# There is also a CUDA pattern matcher (only available if Suricata was
# compiled with --enable-cuda: b2g_cuda. Make sure to update your
# max-pending-packets setting above as well if you use b2g_cuda.

mpm-algo: ac

# The memory settings for hash size of these algorithms can vary from lowest
# (2048) - low (4096) - medium (8192) - high (16384) - higher (32768) - max
# (65536). The bloomfilter sizes of these algorithms can vary from low (512) -
# medium (1024) - high (2048).
# For B2g/B3g algorithms, there is a support for two different scan/search
# algorithms. For B2g the scan algorithms are B2gScan & B2gScanBNDMq, and
# search algorithms are B2gSearch & B2gSearchBNDMq. For B3g scan algorithms
# are B3gScan & B3gScanBNDMq, and search algorithms are B3gSearch &
# B3gSearchBNDMq.
# For B2g the different scan/search algorithms and, hash and bloom
# filter size settings. For B3g the different scan/search algorithms and, hash
# and bloom filter size settings. For wumanber the hash and bloom filter size
# settings.

  - b2gc:
      search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium
  - b2gm:
      search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium
  - b2g:
      search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium
  - b3g:
      search-algo: B3gSearchBNDMq
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium
  - wumanber:
      hash-size: low
      bf-size: medium

# Defrag settings:

  memcap: 512mb
  hash-size: 65536
  trackers: 65535 # number of defragmented flows to follow
  max-frags: 262140 # number of fragments to keep (higher than trackers)
  prealloc: yes
  timeout: 60

# Flow settings:
# By default, the reserved memory (memcap) for flows is 32MB. This is the limit
# for flow allocation inside the engine. You can change this value to allow
# more memory usage for flows.
# The hash-size determine the size of the hash used to identify flows inside
# the engine, and by default the value is 65536.
# At the startup, the engine can preallocate a number of flows, to get a better
# performance. The number of flows preallocated is 10000 by default.
# emergency-recovery is the percentage of flows that the engine need to
# prune before unsetting the emergency state. The emergency state is activated
# when the memcap limit is reached, allowing to create new flows, but
# prunning them with the emergency timeouts (they are defined below).
# If the memcap is reached, the engine will try to prune flows
# with the default timeouts. If it doens't find a flow to prune, it will set
# the emergency bit and it will try again with more agressive timeouts.
# If that doesn't work, then it will try to kill the last time seen flows
# not in use.
# The memcap can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates it's
# in bytes.
  memcap: 32mb 
  hash-size: 65536  
  prealloc: 50000
  emergency-recovery: 30

# Specific timeouts for flows. Here you can specify the timeouts that the
# active flows will wait to transit from the current state to another, on each
# protocol. The value of "new" determine the seconds to wait after a hanshake or
# stream startup before the engine free the data of that flow it doesn't
# change the state to established (usually if we don't receive more packets
# of that flow). The value of "established" is the amount of
# seconds that the engine will wait to free the flow if it spend that amount
# without receiving new packets or closing the connection. "closed" is the
# amount of time to wait after a flow is closed (usually zero).
# There's an emergency mode that will become active under attack circumstances,
# making the engine to check flow status faster. This configuration variables
# use the prefix "emergency-" and work similar as the normal ones.
# Some timeouts doesn't apply to all the protocols, like "closed", for udp and
# icmp.


    new: 5
    established: 5
    closed: 0
    emergency-new: 1
    emergency-established: 1
    emergency-closed: 0
    new: 5
    established: 5
    closed: 0
    emergency-new: 1
    emergency-established: 1
    emergency-closed: 0
    new: 5
    established: 5
    emergency-new: 1
    emergency-established: 1
    new: 5
    established: 5
    emergency-new: 1
    emergency-established: 1

# Stream engine settings. Here the TCP stream tracking and reassembly
# engine is configured.
# stream:
#   memcap: 32mb                # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a
#                               # number indicates it's in bytes.
#   checksum-validation: yes    # To validate the checksum of received
#                               # packet. If csum validation is specified as
#                               # "yes", then packet with invalid csum will not
#                               # be processed by the engine stream/app layer.
#                               # Warning: locally generated trafic can be
#                               # generated without checksum due to hardware offload
#                               # of checksum. You can control the handling of checksum
#                               # on a per-interface basis via the 'checksum-checks'
#                               # option
#   prealloc-sessions: 2k       # 2k sessions prealloc'd per stream thread
#   midstream: false            # don't allow midstream session pickups
#   async-oneside: false        # don't enable async stream handling
#   inline: no                  # stream inline mode
#   max-synack-queued: 5        # Max different SYN/ACKs to queue
#   reassembly:
#     memcap: 64mb              # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number
#                               # indicates it's in bytes.
#     depth: 1mb                # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number
#                               # indicates it's in bytes.
#     toserver-chunk-size: 2560 # inspect raw stream in chunks of at least
#                               # this size.  Can be specified in kb, mb,
#                               # gb.  Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
#                               # The max acceptable size is 4024 bytes.
#     toclient-chunk-size: 2560 # inspect raw stream in chunks of at least
#                               # this size.  Can be specified in kb, mb,
#                               # gb.  Just a number indicates it's in bytes.
#                               # The max acceptable size is 4024 bytes.
#     randomize-chunk-size: yes # Take a random value for chunk size around the specified value.
#                               # This lower the risk of some evasion technics but could lead
#                               # detection change between runs. It is set to 'yes' by default.
#     randomize-chunk-range: 10 # If randomize-chunk-size is active, the value of chunk-size is
#                               # a random value between (1 - randomize-chunk-range/100)*randomize-chunk-size
#                               # and (1 + randomize-chunk-range/100)*randomize-chunk-size. Default value
#                               # of randomize-chunk-range is 10.
  memcap: 12gb
  prealloc-sessions: 10000000
  checksum-validation: yes      # reject wrong csums
  inline: no                    # auto will use inline mode in IPS mode, yes or no set it statically
    memcap: 14gb
    depth: 1mb                  # reassemble 1mb into a stream
    toserver-chunk-size: 2560
    toclient-chunk-size: 2560
    randomize-chunk-size: yes
    #randomize-chunk-range: 10

# Host table:
# Host table is used by tagging and per host thresholding subsystems.
  hash-size: 4096
  prealloc: 1000
  memcap: 16777216

# Logging configuration.  This is not about logging IDS alerts, but
# IDS output about what its doing, errors, etc.

  # The default log level, can be overridden in an output section.
  # Note that debug level logging will only be emitted if Suricata was
  # compiled with the --enable-debug configure option.
  # This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_LEVEL env var.
  default-log-level: info

  # The default output format.  Optional parameter, should default to
  # something reasonable if not provided.  Can be overriden in an
  # output section.  You can leave this out to get the default.
  # This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_FORMAT env var.
  #default-log-format: "[%i] %t - (%f:%l) <%d> (%n) -- "

  # A regex to filter output.  Can be overridden in an output section.
  # Defaults to empty (no filter).
  # This value is overriden by the SC_LOG_OP_FILTER env var.

  # Define your logging outputs.  If none are defined, or they are all
  # disabled you will get the default - console output.
  - console:
      enabled: yes
  - file:
      enabled: yes  
      filename: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/var/log/suricata/suricata.log
  - syslog:
      enabled: no
      facility: local5
      format: "[%i] <%d> -- "

# PF_RING configuration. for use with native PF_RING support
# for more info see http://www.ntop.org/PF_RING.html
#  - interface: eth0
    # Number of receive threads (>1 will enable experimental flow pinned
    # runmode)
#    threads: 1

    # Default clusterid.  PF_RING will load balance packets based on flow.
    # All threads/processes that will participate need to have the same
    # clusterid.
#    cluster-id: 99

    # Default PF_RING cluster type. PF_RING can load balance per flow or per hash.
    # This is only supported in versions of PF_RING > 4.1.1.
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
    # bpf filter for this interface
    #bpf-filter: tcp
    # Choose checksum verification mode for the interface. At the moment
    # of the capture, some packets may be with an invalid checksum due to
    # offloading to the network card of the checksum computation.
    # Possible values are:
    #  - rxonly: only compute checksum for packets received by network card.
    #  - yes: checksum validation is forced
    #  - no: checksum validation is disabled
    #  - auto: suricata uses a statistical approach to detect when
    #  checksum off-loading is used. (default)
    # Warning: 'checksum-validation' must be set to yes to have any validation
    #checksum-checks: auto
  # Second interface
  #- interface: eth1
  #  threads: 3
  #  cluster-id: 93
  #  cluster-type: cluster_flow
  # Put default values here
#  - interface: default
    #threads: 2

#  - interface: eth4
#    threads: 12
#    cluster-id: 10
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: eth5 
#    threads: 12
#    cluster-id: 11
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: eth6
#    threads: 12
#    cluster-id: 20
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: eth7
#    threads: 12
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow

#  - interface: dna3 at 0 
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 1
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 2
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 3
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 4
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 5
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 6
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 7
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 8
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 9
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 10
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 11
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 12
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 13
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 14
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow
#  - interface: dna3 at 15
#    threads: 1
#    cluster-id: 21
#    cluster-type: cluster_flow

  - interface: eth0
    # On Linux, pcap will try to use mmaped capture and will use buffer-size
    # as total of memory used by the ring. So set this to something bigger
    # than 1% of your bandwidth.
    #buffer-size: 16777216
    #bpf-filter: "tcp and port 25"
    # Choose checksum verification mode for the interface. At the moment
    # of the capture, some packets may be with an invalid checksum due to
    # offloading to the network card of the checksum computation.
    # Possible values are:
    #  - yes: checksum validation is forced
    #  - no: checksum validation is disabled
    #  - auto: suricata uses a statistical approach to detect when
    #  checksum off-loading is used. (default)
    # Warning: 'checksum-validation' must be set to yes to have any validation
    #checksum-checks: auto
    # With some accelerator cards using a modified libpcap (like myricom), you
    # may want to have the same number of capture threads as the number of capture
    # rings. In this case, set up the threads variable to N to start N threads
    # listening on the same interface.
    #threads: 16
    # set to no to disable promiscuous mode:
    #promisc: no
    # set snaplen, if not set it defaults to MTU if MTU can be known
    # via ioctl call and to full capture if not.
    #snaplen: 1518
  # Put default values here
  - interface: default
    #checksum-checks: auto

# For FreeBSD ipfw(8) divert(4) support.
# Please make sure you have ipfw_load="YES" and ipdivert_load="YES"
# in /etc/loader.conf or kldload'ing the appropriate kernel modules.
# Additionally, you need to have an ipfw rule for the engine to see
# the packets from ipfw.  For Example:
#   ipfw add 100 divert 8000 ip from any to any
# The 8000 above should be the same number you passed on the command
# line, i.e. -d 8000

  # Reinject packets at the specified ipfw rule number.  This config
  # option is the ipfw rule number AT WHICH rule processing continues
  # in the ipfw processing system after the engine has finished
  # inspecting the packet for acceptance.  If no rule number is specified,
  # accepted packets are reinjected at the divert rule which they entered
  # and IPFW rule processing continues.  No check is done to verify
  # this will rule makes sense so care must be taken to avoid loops in ipfw.
  ## The following example tells the engine to reinject packets
  # back into the ipfw firewall AT rule number 5500:
  # ipfw-reinjection-rule-number: 5500

# Set the default rule path here to search for the files.
# if not set, it will look at the current working dir
default-rule-path: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/rules
 - botcc.rules
 - ciarmy.rules
 - compromised.rules
 - drop.rules
 - dshield.rules
 - emerging-activex.rules
 - emerging-attack_response.rules
 - emerging-chat.rules
 - emerging-current_events.rules
 - emerging-dns.rules
 - emerging-dos.rules
 - emerging-exploit.rules
 - emerging-ftp.rules
 - emerging-games.rules
 - emerging-icmp_info.rules
 - emerging-icmp.rules
 - emerging-imap.rules
 - emerging-inappropriate.rules
 - emerging-malware.rules
 - emerging-misc.rules
 - emerging-mobile_malware.rules
 - emerging-netbios.rules
 - emerging-p2p.rules
 - emerging-policy.rules
 - emerging-pop3.rules
 - emerging-rpc.rules
 - emerging-scada.rules
 - emerging-scan.rules
 - emerging-shellcode.rules
 - emerging-smtp.rules
 - emerging-snmp.rules
 - emerging-sql.rules
 - emerging-telnet.rules
 - emerging-tftp.rules
 - emerging-trojan.rules
 - emerging-user_agents.rules
 - emerging-virus.rules
 - emerging-voip.rules
 - emerging-web_client.rules
 - emerging-web_server.rules
 - emerging-web_specific_apps.rules
 - emerging-worm.rules
 - rbn-malvertisers.rules
 - rbn.rules
 - tor.rules
# - decoder-events.rules # available in suricata sources under rules dir
# - stream-events.rules  # available in suricata sources under rules dir
# - http-events.rules    # available in suricata sources under rules dir
 - smtp-events.rules    # available in suricata sources under rules dir
# - dns-events.rules     # available in suricata sources under rules dir

classification-file: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/classification.config
reference-config-file: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/reference.config

# Holds variables that would be used by the engine.

  # Holds the address group vars that would be passed in a Signature.
  # These would be retrieved during the Signature address parsing stage.

    HOME_NET: "[,,,,,,]"

  # Holds the port group vars that would be passed in a Signature.
  # These would be retrieved during the Signature port parsing stage.

    HTTP_PORTS: "80"
    ORACLE_PORTS: 1521
    SSH_PORTS: 22
    DNP3_PORTS: 20000

# Set the order of alerts bassed on actions
# The default order is pass, drop, reject, alert
  - pass
  - drop
  - reject
  - alert

# IP Reputation
#reputation-categories-file: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/iprep/categories.txt
#default-reputation-path: /usr/local/3rd-party/Suricata-2.0beta1--napatech/etc/suricata/iprep
# - reputation.list

# Host specific policies for defragmentation and TCP stream
# reassembly.  The host OS lookup is done using a radix tree, just
# like a routing table so the most specific entry matches.
  # Make the default policy windows.
  windows: []
  bsd: []
  bsd-right: []
  old-linux: []
  linux: []
  old-solaris: []
  solaris: ["::1"]
  hpux10: []
  hpux11: []
  irix: []
  macos: []
  vista: []
  windows2k3: []

# Limit for the maximum number of asn1 frames to decode (default 256)
asn1-max-frames: 256

# When run with the option --engine-analysis, the engine will read each of
# the parameters below, and print reports for each of the enabled sections
# and exit.  The reports are printed to a file in the default log dir
# given by the parameter "default-log-dir", with engine reporting
# subsection below printing reports in its own report file.
  # enables printing reports for fast-pattern for every rule.
  rules-fast-pattern: yes
  # enables printing reports for each rule
  rules: yes

#recursion and match limits for PCRE where supported
  match-limit: 3500
  match-limit-recursion: 1500

# Configure libhtp.
# default-config:           Used when no server-config matches
#   personality:            List of personalities used by default
#   request-body-limit:     Limit reassembly of request body for inspection
#                           by http_client_body & pcre /P option.
#   response-body-limit:    Limit reassembly of response body for inspection
#                           by file_data, http_server_body & pcre /Q option.
#   double-decode-path:     Double decode path section of the URI
#   double-decode-query:    Double decode query section of the URI
# server-config:            List of server configurations to use if address matches
#   address:                List of ip addresses or networks for this block
#   personalitiy:           List of personalities used by this block
#   request-body-limit:     Limit reassembly of request body for inspection
#                           by http_client_body & pcre /P option.
#   response-body-limit:    Limit reassembly of response body for inspection
#                           by file_data, http_server_body & pcre /Q option.
#   double-decode-path:     Double decode path section of the URI
#   double-decode-query:    Double decode query section of the URI
# Currently Available Personalities:
#   Minimal
#   Generic
#   IDS (default)
#   IIS_4_0
#   IIS_5_0
#   IIS_5_1
#   IIS_6_0
#   IIS_7_0
#   IIS_7_5
#   Apache_2

     personality: IDS

     # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates
     # it's in bytes.
     request-body-limit: 3072
     response-body-limit: 3072

     # inspection limits
     request-body-minimal-inspect-size: 32kb
     request-body-inspect-window: 4kb
     response-body-minimal-inspect-size: 32kb
     response-body-inspect-window: 4kb

     # decoding
     double-decode-path: no
     double-decode-query: no


     - apache:
         address: [,, "::1"]
         personality: Apache_2
         # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates
         # it's in bytes.
         request-body-limit: 4096
         response-body-limit: 4096
         double-decode-path: no
         double-decode-query: no

     - iis7:
         personality: IIS_7_0
         # Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.  Just a number indicates
         # it's in bytes.
         request-body-limit: 4096
         response-body-limit: 4096
         double-decode-path: no
         double-decode-query: no

# Profiling settings. Only effective if Suricata has been built with the
# the --enable-profiling configure flag.

  # rule profiling

    # Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
    # performance impact if compiled in.
    enabled: yes
    filename: rule_perf.log
    append: yes

    # Sort options: ticks, avgticks, checks, matches, maxticks
    sort: avgticks

    # Limit the number of items printed at exit.
    limit: 100

  # packet profiling

    # Profiling can be disabled here, but it will still have a
    # performance impact if compiled in.
    enabled: yes
    filename: packet_stats.log
    append: yes

    # per packet csv output

      # Output can be disabled here, but it will still have a
      # performance impact if compiled in.
      enabled: no
      filename: packet_stats.csv

  # profiling of locking. Only available when Suricata was built with
  # --enable-profiling-locks.
    enabled: no
    filename: lock_stats.log
    append: yes

# Suricata core dump configuration. Limits the size of the core dump file to
# approximately max-dump. The actual core dump size will be a multiple of the
# page size. Core dumps that would be larger than max-dump are truncated. On
# Linux, the actual core dump size may be a few pages larger than max-dump.
# Setting max-dump to 0 disables core dumping.
# Setting max-dump to 'unlimited' will give the full core dump file.
# On 32-bit Linux, a max-dump value >= ULONG_MAX may cause the core dump size
# to be 'unlimited'.

  max-dump: unlimited

    # The Host Buffer Allowance for all streams
    # (-1 = OFF, 1 - 100 = percentage of the host buffer that can be held back)
    hba: -1

    # use_all_streams set to "yes" will query the Napatech service for all configured
    # streams and listen on all of them. When set to "no" the streams config array
    # will be used.
    use-all-streams: yes

    # The streams to listen on
    streams: [1, 2, 3]

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