[Oisf-users] Cant start suricata with cuda in daemon mode

Anoop Saldanha anoopsaldanha at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 14:39:02 UTC 2013

On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 6:51 PM,  <stefan.egger at bit.admin.ch> wrote:
> Hi all,
> has anyone problems starting suricata with a cuda card in daemon mode?
> For some reason I can't start suricata. I'm running into a cude error .
> If I start normal I don't get an error everything seem to be fine.
> 5/12/2013 -- 14:17:10 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 1: adding signatures to signature source addresses...
> complete
> 5/12/2013 -- 14:17:10 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 2: building source address list... complete
> 5/12/2013 -- 14:17:11 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure, stage 3: building destination address lists... complete
> 5/12/2013 -- 14:17:11 - <Error> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_CUDA_ERROR(134)] - cuCtxPushCurrent failed.  Returned errocode -
> 5/12/2013 -- 14:17:11 - <Error> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_FATAL(171)] - context push failed.
> Any advice would be welcomed

1. Do you have any more startup logs?
2. Can you give me your card specs?
3. What is the version of cuda runtime you are using?
4. In the yaml file there are some cuda settings.  The below parameter -

    # The max chunk size that can be sent to the gpu in a single go.
    gpu-transfer-size: 50mb

Can you reduce the size to a smaller value(10mb) and see if that
solves the issue?

Anoop Saldanha

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