[Oisf-users] more packets decoded than captured

Theodore Elhourani theodore.elhourani at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 01:16:28 UTC 2013

In a test run the suricata is reporting in the stats.log file a larger
number of decoded packets than captured:

$ cat /var/log/suricata/stats.log  | grep "kernel_packets\|decoder.pkt" |
tail -8
capture.kernel_packets    | RxAFP1                    | 207491
decoder.pkts                   | RxAFP1                    | 207901
capture.kernel_packets    | RxAFP2                    | 197046
decoder.pkts                   | RxAFP2                    | 197731
capture.kernel_packets    | RxAFP3                    | 197980
decoder.pkts                   | RxAFP3                    | 198568
capture.kernel_packets    | RxAFP4                    | 213311
decoder.pkts                   | RxAFP4                    | 214289
total captured = 815828
total decoded = 818489

in which cases can this happen ?


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