[Oisf-users] High packet loss with no rules
Will Cladek
will.cladek at nrl.navy.mil
Fri Jan 17 15:29:52 UTC 2014
Apologies for the newbie question, but I'm experiencing a huge amount of packet loss on my new suricata 1.4.7 installation and can't figure out why or what settings I may be missing.
The system has an Intel Xeon X5675 (12 cores counting hyperthreading) with 16 GB RAM. I routinely get 30% packet loss when running suricata on about 300 Mbps of traffic, even with no rules enabled. (When I just tcpdump to a file I see about 1% traffic loss.)
The memory usage also never seem to be terribly high on the system. It'll be about 1% with default settings, while setting the stream max-sessions and prealloc-sessions to the values below brings it to around 10% without helping the packet loss.
Is there something super-obvious I'm missing as to why I'm seeing such packet loss?
I've included my .yaml (sans comments) at the bottom along with a sample run.
Side question, maybe unrelated: when I set the run mode to "workers" in the .yaml or with the --runmode command line option, I still see in the startup logging:
AutoFP mode using default "Active Packets" flow load balancer
Does that mean it's still only using autofp, not workers?
%YAML 1.1
runmode: autofp
default-log-dir: /var/log/suricata/
enabled: no
- fast:
enabled: yes
filename: fast.log
append: yes
- unified2-alert:
enabled: no
filename: unified2.alert
- http-log:
enabled: no
filename: http.log
append: yes
- tls-log:
enabled: no # Log TLS connections.
filename: tls.log # File to store TLS logs.
certs-log-dir: certs # directory to store the certificates files
- pcap-info:
enabled: no
- pcap-log:
enabled: no
filename: log.pcap
limit: 1000mb
max-files: 2000
mode: normal # normal or sguil.
use-stream-depth: no #If set to "yes" packets seen after reaching stream inspection depth are ignored. "no" logs all packets
- alert-debug:
enabled: no
filename: alert-debug.log
append: yes
- alert-prelude:
enabled: no
profile: suricata
log-packet-content: no
log-packet-header: yes
- stats:
enabled: yes
filename: stats.log
interval: 8
- syslog:
enabled: no
facility: local5
- drop:
enabled: no
filename: drop.log
append: yes
- file-store:
enabled: no # set to yes to enable
log-dir: files # directory to store the files
force-magic: no # force logging magic on all stored files
force-md5: no # force logging of md5 checksums
- file-log:
enabled: no
filename: files-json.log
append: yes
force-magic: no # force logging magic on all logged files
force-md5: no # force logging of md5 checksums
magic-file: /usr/share/file/magic
- interface: eth0
threads: 1
cluster-id: 99
cluster-type: cluster_flow
defrag: yes
use-mmap: yes
- interface: eth1
threads: 16
cluster-id: 98
cluster-type: cluster_flow
defrag: yes
- interface: default
- profile: high
- custom-values:
toclient-src-groups: 2
toclient-dst-groups: 2
toclient-sp-groups: 2
toclient-dp-groups: 3
toserver-src-groups: 2
toserver-dst-groups: 4
toserver-sp-groups: 2
toserver-dp-groups: 25
- sgh-mpm-context: auto
- inspection-recursion-limit: 3000
set-cpu-affinity: no
- management-cpu-set:
cpu: [ 0 ] # include only these cpus in affinity settings
- receive-cpu-set:
cpu: [ 0 ] # include only these cpus in affinity settings
- decode-cpu-set:
cpu: [ 0, 1 ]
mode: "balanced"
- stream-cpu-set:
cpu: [ "0-1" ]
- detect-cpu-set:
cpu: [ "all" ]
mode: "exclusive" # run detect threads in these cpus
low: [ 0 ]
medium: [ "1-2" ]
high: [ 3 ]
default: "medium"
- verdict-cpu-set:
cpu: [ 0 ]
default: "high"
- reject-cpu-set:
cpu: [ 0 ]
default: "low"
- output-cpu-set:
cpu: [ "all" ]
default: "medium"
detect-thread-ratio: 1.5
- mpm:
packet-buffer-limit: 2400
packet-size-limit: 1500
packet-buffers: 10
batching-timeout: 1
page-locked: enabled
device-id: 0
cuda-streams: 2
mpm-algo: ac
- b2gc:
search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
hash-size: low
bf-size: medium
- b2gm:
search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
hash-size: low
bf-size: medium
- b2g:
search-algo: B2gSearchBNDMq
hash-size: low
bf-size: medium
- b3g:
search-algo: B3gSearchBNDMq
hash-size: low
bf-size: medium
- wumanber:
hash-size: low
bf-size: medium
memcap: 4gb
hash-size: 65536
trackers: 65535 # number of defragmented flows to follow
max-frags: 65535 # number of fragments to keep (higher than trackers)
prealloc: yes
timeout: 60
memcap: 4gb
hash-size: 65536
prealloc: 10000
emergency-recovery: 30
new: 30
established: 300
closed: 0
emergency-new: 10
emergency-established: 100
emergency-closed: 0
new: 60
established: 3600
closed: 120
emergency-new: 10
emergency-established: 300
emergency-closed: 20
new: 30
established: 300
emergency-new: 10
emergency-established: 100
new: 30
established: 300
emergency-new: 10
emergency-established: 100
memcap: 4gb
checksum-validation: no # reject wrong csums
max-sessions: 20000000
prealloc-sessions: 10000000
inline: auto # auto will use inline mode in IPS mode, yes or no set it statically
memcap: 8gb
depth: 6mb # reassemble 1mb into a stream
toserver-chunk-size: 2560
toclient-chunk-size: 2560
hash-size: 4096
prealloc: 1000
memcap: 16777216
default-log-level: info
- console:
enabled: yes
- file:
enabled: yes
filename: /var/log/suricata/suricata.log
- syslog:
enabled: no
facility: local5
format: "[%i] <%d> -- "
- interface: eth1
threads: 1
cluster-id: 99
cluster-type: cluster_flow
- interface: default
- interface: eth1
- interface: default
default-rule-path: /etc/suricata/rules
classification-file: /etc/suricata/classification.config
reference-config-file: /etc/suricata/reference.config
HOME_NET: "[redacted]"
DNP3_PORTS: 20000
- pass
- drop
- reject
- alert
windows: []
bsd: []
bsd-right: []
old-linux: []
linux: [,, "8762:2352:6241:7245:E000:0000:0000:0000"]
old-solaris: []
solaris: ["::1"]
hpux10: []
hpux11: []
irix: []
macos: []
vista: []
windows2k3: []
asn1-max-frames: 256
rules-fast-pattern: yes
rules: yes
match-limit: 3500
match-limit-recursion: 1500
personality: IDS
request-body-limit: 3072
response-body-limit: 3072
request-body-minimal-inspect-size: 32kb
request-body-inspect-window: 4kb
response-body-minimal-inspect-size: 32kb
response-body-inspect-window: 4kb
double-decode-path: no
double-decode-query: no
- apache:
address: [,, "::1"]
personality: Apache_2_2
request-body-limit: 4096
response-body-limit: 4096
double-decode-path: no
double-decode-query: no
- iis7:
personality: IIS_7_0
request-body-limit: 4096
response-body-limit: 4096
double-decode-path: no
double-decode-query: no
enabled: yes
filename: rule_perf.log
append: yes
sort: avgticks
limit: 100
enabled: yes
filename: packet_stats.log
append: yes
enabled: no
filename: packet_stats.csv
enabled: no
filename: lock_stats.log
append: yes
max-dump: unlimited
hba: -1
use-all-streams: yes
streams: [1, 2, 3]
test run:
# suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -i eth1
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - This is Suricata version 1.4.7 RELEASE
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - CPUs/cores online: 12
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - Found an MTU of 9216 for 'eth1'
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - allocated 3670016 bytes of memory for the defrag hash... 65536 buckets of size 56
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - preallocated 65535 defrag trackers of size 144
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - defrag memory usage: 13107056 bytes, maximum: 4294967296
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - AutoFP mode using default "Active Packets" flow load balancer
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - preallocated 1024 packets. Total memory 12263424
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - allocated 229376 bytes of memory for the host hash... 4096 buckets of size 56
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - preallocated 1000 hosts of size 120
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - host memory usage: 349376 bytes, maximum: 16777216
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - allocated 3670016 bytes of memory for the flow hash... 65536 buckets of size 56
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - preallocated 10000 flows of size 272
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - flow memory usage: 6390016 bytes, maximum: 4294967296
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - IP reputation disabled
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - using magic-file /usr/share/file/magic
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - Delayed detect disabled
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - No signatures supplied.
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - Threshold config parsed: 0 rule(s) found
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - Core dump size set to unlimited.
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - fast output device (regular) initialized: fast.log
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - Using 1 live device(s).
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - using interface eth1
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - Running in 'auto' checksum mode. Detection of interface state will require 1000 packets.
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - Found an MTU of 9216 for 'eth1'
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - Set snaplen to 9216 for 'eth1'
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - RunModeIdsPcapAutoFp initialised
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream "max-sessions": 20000000
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream "prealloc-sessions": 10000000
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream "memcap": 4294967296
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream "midstream" session pickups: disabled
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream "async-oneside": disabled
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream "checksum-validation": disabled
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream."inline": disabled
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream.reassembly "memcap": 8589934592
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream.reassembly "depth": 6291456
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream.reassembly "toserver-chunk-size": 2560
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:24 - <Info> - stream.reassembly "toclient-chunk-size": 2560
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:25 - <Info> - all 19 packet processing threads, 3 management threads initialized, engine started.
17/1/2014 -- 10:25:25 - <Info> - No packets with invalid checksum, assuming checksum offloading is NOT used
^C17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Signal Received. Stopping engine.
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - 0 new flows, 0 established flows were timed out, 0 flows in closed state
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - time elapsed 53.005s
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - (RxPcapeth11) Packets 1373555, bytes 1360201182
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - (RxPcapeth11) Pcap Total:2188315 Recv:1373802 Drop:814513 (37.2%).
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Total flow handler queues - 18
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 0 - pkts: 1349992 flows: 41225
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 1 - pkts: 2829 flows: 108
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 2 - pkts: 1351 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 3 - pkts: 1351 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 4 - pkts: 1351 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 5 - pkts: 1351 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 6 - pkts: 1351 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 7 - pkts: 1351 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 8 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 9 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 10 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 11 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 12 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 13 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 14 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 15 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 16 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - AutoFP - Queue 17 - pkts: 1350 flows: 0
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 1267485 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 1300 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Stream TCP processed 0 TCP packets
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:17 - <Info> - Fast log output wrote 0 alerts
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:18 - <Info> - host memory usage: 349376 bytes, maximum: 16777216
17/1/2014 -- 10:26:18 - <Info> - cleaning up signature grouping structure... complete
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