[Oisf-users] Correlating http transactions and alert logs

Victor Julien lists at inliniac.net
Sat Jul 12 08:39:10 UTC 2014

On 07/11/2014 07:49 PM, Darren Spruell wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:19 AM, Victor Julien <lists at inliniac.net> wrote:
>> On 07/11/2014 11:09 AM, Darren Spruell wrote:
>>> Request in same vein as
>>> https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/pipermail/oisf-users/2014-January/003281.html
>>> I'm embarking on a task with Suricata where I'd need to specifically
>>> correlate alerts to HTTP requests - namely to associate the set of
>>> alerts that fire in connection with the HTTP transaction under
>>> inspection. Currently Suricata logging is the only data source
>>> available to do this for the environment, and I'd prefer to use EVE
>>> logging.
>>> If I understand correctly Suricata can generate debug alerting with
>>> knowledge of the transaction being handled at the moment of alert.
>>> I've peeked at the debug log output and it is not appropriate for our
>>> use case. Is it possible to have Suricata generate http logs (maybe
>>> other service logs too?) that include data about any alerts that were
>>> generated inspecting that transaction? I want to make sure we have a
>>> strong correlator on these events, so attempting to match logs up by
>>> timestamp or similar is potentially impractical or at the least
>>> awkward and potentially fraught with #fail.
>>> Alternatively, is it possible to tag the transaction ID at logging
>>> time into both the alert log and the http log that would allow
>>> correlation on the two in a datastore?
>> In my flow-log branch I have also added a simple 'flow id', which is a
>> tag added to each alert, http, etc record that is connected to a flow.
>> So this would be a step in the right direction. If you need a tx
>> specific tag... I guess it would be enough to log the tx number where
>> available in both http and alert. This is just a simple incrementing
>> counter that starts at 0 for the first tx. The flow_id+tx_cnt would be
>> quite unique.
>> This is all about the json output btw.
>> Would this be helpful?
> I think so. Flows sound appropriate in most cases with most protocols
> but I guess HTTP pipelining seems to give a case that would require
> the tx_cnt to make sure the request is uniquely identified in the
> flow. The per-request focus is important in our case because each
> request we process will contain a unique custom resource ID header
> passed by the client, and we'll need to perfectly correlate this
> resource to request to alert(s) when processing logging.
>>> Or is there another way of accomplishing this?
>> Approx timestamp + 5tulpe is usually good, but it requires a bit of
>> scripting.
> Does seem like that would work in most cases. I think in our case
> we'll be using a lot of proxy pipelining which weakens the utility of
> the 5tuple as a strong identifier. Definitely prefer something
> internal to the flow and a short key that can used in DB queries and
> the like is probably ideal.

This PR implements the flow_id
And this the tx_id: https://github.com/inliniac/suricata/pull/1031

Both will go into 2.1, but if you're interested in testing them it'd be

Victor Julien
PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc

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