Andreas Herz andi at geekosphere.org
Sun Dec 13 19:50:02 UTC 2015

On 07/12/15 at 15:01, Duane Howard wrote:
> I'm periodically seeing:
> suricata[12489]: 7/12/2015 -- 18:51:15 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_BYTE_EXTRACT_FAILED(128)] - Error extracting 8 bytes of string data:
> -1
> Is this interesting for debugging. If yes, is there a way to log the stream
> causing this to provide additional information?

Can you reproduce it?
Then it would be the best to use tcpdump or similiar tools to create a

You could also try 3.0RC2 to see if it's already gone in the newest

Andreas Herz

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