[Oisf-users] [Discussion] Suricata Performance Tuning (kernel_drops very high)

Jay M. jskier at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 13:44:19 UTC 2015

Also suggest looking into testing a good bpf filter to cull down on
noisy and irrelevant traffic for that kind of volume.

Curious which distro / kernel are you using?
jskier at gmail.com

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 6:32 AM, Victor Julien <lists at inliniac.net> wrote:
> On 01/13/2015 01:02 PM, Victor Julien wrote:
>> On 01/12/2015 05:22 PM, Barkley, Joey wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I am running Suricata and have done my best to configure it properly but I’m failing. We are getting lots of traffic logged, but I am seeing loads of kernel_drops. Can someone please tell me how I might tweak performance to reduce loss? I’m very new to Suricata and fairly new to IDS setup in general. Here is our current setup:
>>> 32 Core System
>>> 256GB RAM
>>> 1Gbps Management Interface
>>> 2x10Gbps Monitoring Interface (but currently only 1 is in use)
>>> right now we are using around 82GB RAM. 38% CPU usage. Status entries pasted at the end of the message.
>>> Here is some of my suricata.yaml config. If I should provide additional sections just let me know.
>>> # Output file configuration
>>> outputs:
>>>   - eve-log:
>>>       enabled: yes
>>>       filetype: regular
>>>       filename: edge-int-lv.evejson
>>>       types:
>>>         - alert:
>>>             payload: yes
>>>             packet: yes
>>>             http: yes
>>>         - http:
>>>             extended: yes
>>>         - dns
>>>         - tls:
>>>             extended: yes
>>>         - files:
>>>             force-magic: yes
>>>             force-md5: yes
>>>         - ssh
>>>         - flow
>>>         - netflow
> You may want to disable a couple of the logs (esp dns) to see if that
> helps performance.
>>>   - stats:
>>>       enabled: yes
>>>       filename: stats-edge-int-lv.log
>>>       interval: 8
>>>   - fast: # a line based alerts log similar to Snort's fast.log
>>>       enabled: yes
>>>       filename: fast-edge-int-lv.log
>>>       append: yes
>>>       filetype: regular # 'regular', 'unix_stream' or ‘unix_dgram'
>>> threading:
>>>   set-cpu-affinity: yes
>>>   cpu-affinity:
>>>     - management-cpu-set:
>>>         cpu: [ "all" ]  # include only these cpus in affinity settings
>>>         mode: "balanced"
>>>         prio:
>>>           default: "low"
>>>     - receive-cpu-set:
>>>         cpu: [ "all" ]  # include only these cpus in affinity settings
>>>     - detect-cpu-set:
>>>         cpu: [ "all" ]
>>>         mode: "exclusive" # run detect threads in these cpus
>>>         prio:
>>>           default: "high"
>>>   detect-thread-ratio: 1.5
>>> max-pending-packets: 2048
> This is low. Try upping to 60000 or so.
>>> runmode: autofp
> Almost everyone reports better perf with 'workers'.
>>> host-mode: sniffer-only
>>> af-packet:
>>>   - interface: p4p1
>>>     threads: 16
>>>     cluster-id: 99
>>>     cluster-type: cluster_cpu
> cluster_cpu will require properly setup drivers and such. I recommend
> cluster_flow unless you're certain you've set everything up correctly.
> [..snip..]
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Counter                   | TM Name                   | Value
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> capture.kernel_packets    | RxPcapp4p11               | 3408330077
>>> capture.kernel_drops      | RxPcapp4p11               | 3532275578
>>> capture.kernel_ifdrops    | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> dns.memuse                | RxPcapp4p11               | 3681302
>>> dns.memcap_state          | RxPcapp4p11               | 23601
>>> dns.memcap_global         | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.pkts              | RxPcapp4p11               | 25645856945
>>> decoder.bytes             | RxPcapp4p11               | 17615424414799
>>> decoder.invalid           | RxPcapp4p11               | 3
>>> decoder.ipv4              | RxPcapp4p11               | 25645892638
>>> decoder.ipv6              | RxPcapp4p11               | 38560
>>> decoder.ethernet          | RxPcapp4p11               | 25645856945
>>> decoder.raw               | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.sll               | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.tcp               | RxPcapp4p11               | 24557853433
>>> decoder.udp               | RxPcapp4p11               | 1039077879
>>> decoder.sctp              | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.icmpv4            | RxPcapp4p11               | 37915322
>>> decoder.icmpv6            | RxPcapp4p11               | 841
>>> decoder.ppp               | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.pppoe             | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.gre               | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.vlan              | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.vlan_qinq         | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.teredo            | RxPcapp4p11               | 37722
>>> decoder.ipv4_in_ipv6      | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.ipv6_in_ipv6      | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.mpls              | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> decoder.avg_pkt_size      | RxPcapp4p11               | 686
>>> decoder.max_pkt_size      | RxPcapp4p11               | 1514
>>> defrag.ipv4.fragments     | RxPcapp4p11               | 10923631
>>> defrag.ipv4.reassembled   | RxPcapp4p11               | 244568
>>> defrag.ipv4.timeouts      | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> defrag.ipv6.fragments     | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> defrag.ipv6.reassembled   | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> defrag.ipv6.timeouts      | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> defrag.max_frag_hits      | RxPcapp4p11               | 0
>>> tcp.sessions              | Detect                    | 73940345
>>> tcp.ssn_memcap_drop       | Detect                    | 0
>>> tcp.pseudo                | Detect                    | 4049413
>>> tcp.pseudo_failed         | Detect                    | 0
>>> tcp.invalid_checksum      | Detect                    | 0
>>> tcp.no_flow               | Detect                    | 0
>>> tcp.reused_ssn            | Detect                    | 535819
>>> tcp.memuse                | Detect                    | 25347440
>>> tcp.syn                   | Detect                    | 83940125
>>> tcp.synack                | Detect                    | 36430536
> Are you seeing the full traffic? SYN/ACK is less than half of SYN. Could
> be SYN floods as well, but otherwise it may indicate capture issues.
> --
> ---------------------------------------------
> Victor Julien
> http://www.inliniac.net/
> PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc
> ---------------------------------------------
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