[Oisf-users] Number of handles used by suricata

Ruslan Usmanov ruslanuxml at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 18:07:18 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Is number of open handles by suricata is an area of concern?

I noticed when suricata is running with default configuration (max-frags =
65535 with prealloc, flow hash_size = 65536), the process keeps open
220,000 handles.

By bringing down number of these items, we can save up to 200k handles on
the system. I understand the reason is because each defrag and flow
requires its own mutex and handle.

What are you doing - just ignore the number of open handles, or using lower
values, and what are recommended number of defrags/flows, having in mind we
still want to keep system protected?

Thank you,
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