[Oisf-users] Announcing Suricata-Update

Jason Ish ish at unx.ca
Tue Dec 5 19:58:42 UTC 2017

We are excited to announce the first alpha release of our new tool for 
updating Suricata rules. This is a new rule update tool specifically 
built for Suricata with a goal of being useful out of the box, even with 
no configuration.

This release also introduces the Suricata Intel Index, which is 
currently a list of available rule sources which Suricata-Update is 
aware of. The idea here is to make it easier for users to find available 
rule sets, as well as allowing rule writers to make their rules more 

Features include:

  * Default to Emerging Threats Open ruleset if no configuration
  * Automatic discovery of Suricata version for use in ruleset URLs.
  * Flowbit resolution
  * Enable, disable, drop and modify filters that should be familiar to
    users of Pulled Pork and Oinkmaster.
  * Easy enabling of additional rule sets from the index.

We invite all interested users to checkout the Quick Start 
documentation, and leave us feedback on the Suricata-Update issue tracker.

If you are a rule writer and would like to get listed in the index, 
please leave a ticket in the issue tracker.

Quick Start Documentation

Github Project Page

Issue Tracker

Jason Ish

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