[Oisf-devel] Lack of Thread Deinitialization For Decoder Modules

amin latifi latifi at outlook.com
Wed Nov 20 14:32:20 UTC 2013


I checked Suricata code and I found out that decoder thread modules don't
set ThreadDeinit member of their TmModule in tmm_modules table.

It somehow doesn't seem normal. Since, decode threads have at least one
member in their DecodeThreadVars which maybe should be deinitialized.
Actually, I realized DecodeThreadVars  contains AlpProtoDetectThreadCtx
member and the AlpProtoDetectThreadCtx variables maybe should be
deinitialized by using AlpProtoFinalize2Thread function; similar what
happens in StreamTcpThreadDeinit (StreamTcp thread deinitializing)

According what I said, do you think the implementation of decoders'
deinitialization has been missed mistakenly? or not implementing of that
doesn't make any problem?

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