[OISF/outreachy] Python project "Improve Python tools for Suricata" closed for new contributors

Shivani Bhardwaj sbhardwaj at openinfosecfoundation.org
Wed Oct 14 03:08:24 UTC 2020

Greetings, potential Outreachy interns!

Given the great response we have received on one of our projects, we
have closed it for any further applicants. We request you to keep on
working and ask questions if you are running into problems because
there is less time left in the contribution period.
We also request you to assign the tickets to yourself on redmine that
you have made claims to on the mailing list. If it is not done by the
end of this week (Friday), we'll consider them open for other
applicants to take.
Keep in mind that it is important to ask questions and have a clear
understanding of the problem you are working on.

You're doing great. Keep up the good work!
Junior Developer, OISF

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