[OISF/outreachy] Recording contributions

Shivani Bhardwaj sbhardwaj at openinfosecfoundation.org
Sat Oct 17 06:09:33 UTC 2020

Hello, potential Outreachy interns!

Since you informed us that Outreachy lets you submit one contribution
link only, it seems like it becomes difficult to provide the GitHub
links of your work especially for the people working on improving both
the Python projects.

So, we have decided that you provide a redmine link of all your work.
What you have to do is the following:
- When you submit a PR, change the Status of the issue to "In Review".
- Apply filters on redmine for issues assigned to you and whose status
is "In Review"
Link would look something like:
(Just change the assignee to yourself after opening this link and that
should be fine.)

Please note that we understand that this still may not be the best
estimate of all your contributions. For example, any documentation
changes made to redmine, any research work done is not logged in these
redmine tickets. So, we strongly encourage you to mention all of these
contributions as well as a part of your final application essay.

Finally, I want to mention that we are a very community focused
project so helping one another is an important part of your
contributions. If you know something that another prospective intern
asks about, step in and help them grow.

Again, thanks for all your work. We are looking forward to receiving
your applications.

Have a great day!
Junior Developer, OISF

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