[Oisf-devel] Mem leaks

Victor Julien victor at inliniac.net
Tue Oct 18 14:25:42 UTC 2011

On 10/18/2011 04:11 PM, Martin Holste wrote:
> Ideally, there would be a stat for emergency state invocations written
> to the stat log.

opened a feature ticket:

I was thinking it would probably be handy to have more than just
counters, but "state" as well. Like current flow/stream memcap values,
number of active flows, tcp sessions, etc. Also something like being in
"emergency state" right now would be useful... not sure the stats.log is
the proper place for this though. Thoughts anyone?

Victor Julien
PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc

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