[Oisf-devel] PF_RING RSS Rehash

Chris Wakelin c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
Fri Oct 28 09:51:14 UTC 2011

Looking to get the most out of our brand new Intel X520 10G cards, I
came across:


I'm not sure what effect turning this on in Suricata will have, but I
had a go at a patch to add it as an option (attached).

I can't test it properly at the moment as our 10G port mirrors are
offline due to an issue (apparently a "known problem") with the border
switches :(

Comments welcome!

Best Wishes,

Christopher Wakelin,                           c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
IT Services Centre, The University of Reading,  Tel: +44 (0)118 378 2908
Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AF, UK              Fax: +44 (0)118 975 3094
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