[Oisf-devel] VOTE TODAY - OISF Board Elections!

Kelley Misata kelley at openinfosecfoundation.org
Tue Apr 7 14:50:47 UTC 2015

Dear Community Members -

The Open Information Security Foundation (OISF) is conducting its annual
online elections to fill 7 positions on the OISF board of directors.
Board members serve a two year term, therefore, current board members along
with new nominees are included on this year's ballot.

The upcoming OISF board will consist of 10 board members in total:  7
electeddirectors, President of OISF, Matt Jonkman, General Manager of OISF,
Kelley Misata, and Suricata's Founder and Lead Developer, Victor Julien.

Each nominee has provided a brief summary highlighting their industry
experience and their passion for OISF; please take a minute to read about
each of our distinguished nominees and to cast your votes NOW!

Simply follow this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/OISFBoardElections

*Polls will close Wednesday, April 15, 2015 with the new OISF Board
announced on Thursday, April 16, 2015.  *

Best of luck and thanks goes out to all of our nominees! Questions
regarding elections can be sent to info at oisf.net.

Thank you,
The OISF Team

*Kelley Misata*
*Open Information Security Foundation*
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