[Oisf-users] where are my missing packets ?

mc8647 mc8647 at mclink.it
Thu Feb 23 00:15:15 UTC 2012

Thanks for reply.

The server is a HP DL360G7, it has 4 onboard lan ports...

We are testing a proprietary IDS with another mirror port on a twin 
server (they are identically configured hardware).

This proprietary IDS runs inside a esx4 VM with 8 cpu and it has no 
missing packets!

So with less CPUs, less ram, and with esx overhead it is able to not 
lose packets. I think it is linux based with highly personlized setup, 
for example it supports just 3 hardware servers and esx VMs.

"If I stop suricata with ctrl-c I get a message stating about 25% 
packets missed." should have been

If I stop suricata with ctrl-c I get a message stating that from 3 to about 25% packets were missed depending on the run.


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