[Oisf-users] Announcing the first US training date: January 26 and 27 in San Josa, CA

Victor Julien victor at inliniac.net
Tue Oct 7 16:45:06 UTC 2014

The first US training session has been planned. It's a West coast event.
We're also planning an East coast event. This will likely take place in
the DC area in February. Keep an eye on http://suricata-ids.org/training/

*San Jose, CA, January 26 and 27: 2 day training*

This training session will take place on January 26 and 27 at the Tilera
HQ in San Jose, CA. It will be given by OISF president and Emerging
Threats CTO Matt Jonkman and Suricata expert Peter Manev.

You can register through eventbrite here:

This event is generously hosted by our friends from Tilera.

Also, we still have seats open for Amsterdam next week and Luxembourg
the week after!

*Amsterdam, October 13 and 14: 2 day training*

This training session will take place on October 13 and 14 in down town
Amsterdam. It will be given by Suricata lead developer Victor Julien,
and OISF president and Emerging Threats CTO Matt Jonkman. Also in the
room: master rule writer William Metcalf.

You can register through eventbrite here:

This event is generously hosted by our friends from Intelworks.

*Luxembourg, October 20: 1 day workshop*

This workshop will take place on October 20 in the conference hotel of
the excellent Hack.lu conference. It will be given by Suricata lead
developer Victor Julien, Suricata developer Eric Leblond and Suricata
expert Peter Manev.

This event is generously hosted by our friends from Hack.lu. You can
register through eventbrite here:

A registration / ticket for the Hack.lu conference is NOT required for
this event. Of course, we do highly recommend the conference!

*DeepSec - Vienna, November 18 and 19: 2 day training event*

This training session will take place on November 18 and 19 at the
DeepSec conference. It will be given by Victor Julien, Eric Leblond,
Peter Manev and Matt Jonkman.

The event is part of the DeepSec conference, so registrations/bookings
go through: https://deepsec.net/register.html

See also http://blog.deepsec.net/?p=1893

Victor Julien
PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc

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