[Oisf-users] Suricata with multiple pcap files

Rasmor, Zachary R zachary.r.rasmor at lmco.com
Mon Jul 27 15:49:38 UTC 2015



I was looking over some of the features for pcap file/offline mode as of
2.1beta4. From what I can see, the only way to run multiple pcap files
through Suricata (without restarting the engine for each file) is to use
Unix Socket mode - is this understanding correct? Per the -list-runmodes
option, Unix Socket mode only supports "single" runmode. Are there any plans
to support workers mode with Unix Socket in the future?


I also noticed that the -r option supports both the "single" and "autofp"
runmodes, but this appears to only support providing one pcap file at a
time. I would like to have the flexibility of supplying an arbitrary number
of pcap files without restarting Suricata each time, so I wanted to confirm
that Unix Socket is the only option.






Zach Rasmor

Senior Software Engineer

Lockheed Martin CIRT

700 N Frederick Ave | Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Email:  <mailto:zachary.r.rasmor at lmco.com> zachary.r.rasmor at lmco.com

Office: 301.240.6116


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