[Oisf-users] OpenCL

Chris Boley ilgtech75 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 00:20:19 UTC 2016

I saw in a previous post where CUDA has gone by the wayside in the area of
continuing development support. I know the Intel professionals that helped
incorporate hyperscan for Suricata are monitoring this forum.

I pose this question:

Given the great work that Intel has already done with hyperscan, why not
work toward development incorporating even more horsepower via the OpenCL
API? Given that many/most suricata appliances really are just CLI based
server installations, the graphics processor mostly is not used. I think it
makes sense for Intel to encourage Suricata development for intel based
graphics processors/GPU's. Maybe this is already happening and I'm simply
not aware. Is this even realistic? I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

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