[Oisf-users] [Question] About packet manipulate using suricata

Andreas Herz andi at geekosphere.org
Mon Feb 13 19:55:52 UTC 2017

On 12/02/17 at 22:27, djhong813 at gmail.com wrote:
> Also, I googled and confirmed that Suricata can manipulate packet if I want to. 

Can you be more verbose about that? In IPS mode you can react and
instead of accepting packets you can drop or reject them.

> So I have to send packet to another component after the firewall creating the output and before the packet sending to destination.
> But I have no idea where the packets could be manipulated and which source code could be modified in the Suricata opensource.
> So, could you guys tell me what source code have to modified?

Without more details it's hard to tell what you want to achieve exactly
and how you might succeed.

Andreas Herz

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