[Oisf-users] Suricata 4.1.2 released

Victor Julien victor at inliniac.net
Fri Dec 21 19:23:15 UTC 2018

Much sooner than planned we are releasing 4.1.2. The 4.1.1 process
didn't go as planned. First the tarball was missing the vendored Rust
crates. Then we found that Suricata-Update didn't properly function on
CentOS 7, Ubunut 14.04 and other slightly older distros. Then last
minute we found yet another Suricata-Update bug.

So despite it being so close to the holidays for many, we decided to
push 4.1.2 out already. Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause.

Other than the issues mention above, we did also fix some additional
issues. SMB logging accuracy was improved, DNS detection and logging
accuracy was improved and some documentation updates are included as well.

After the holidays are over we're going to review our QA for both
Suricata and Suricata-Update, so we can avoid issue like this in the future.


Feature #1863: smtp: improve pipelining support
Feature #2748: bundle libhtp 0.5.29
Feature #2749: bundle suricata-update 1.0.3
Bug #2682: python-yaml Not Listed As Ubuntu Prerequisite
Bug #2736: DNS Golden Transaction ID - detection bypass
Bug #2745: Invalid detect-engine config could lead to segfault
Bug #2752: smb: logs for IOCTL and DCERPC have tree_id value of 0

Special thanks:

Philippe Antoine, Alexey Vishnyakov



Victor Julien
PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc

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