[Oisf-devel] Performance Boosts

Josh White josh at securemind.org
Sun Mar 25 02:06:41 UTC 2012

Sorry, my bad not completing that thought.... I was referring to a paper
that Victor and I had been discussing that I was writing. I have a testing
framework that I built for Suricata. I don't know that's it's ready for
prime-time "It will be available for all soon", but I'm running it now on
the latest version of suri. I'll have results with comparison to previous
major release to share within the next 48 hours. I can say so far that the
1.3Dev is significantly faster, though I don't have exact memory
usage/PPS/CPU usage numbers yet. I can see that based on the test that it's
currently running that I've shaved 3 hours off of the complete barrage of
tests so far.

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Brant Wells <bwells at tfc.edu> wrote:

> > I'll remember that the next time I pull it down... but I also just found
>> > the commands that can do it too. :-D
>> >
>> > git reflog will show the git clone and all of the git pulls that have
>> > been done, along with their versions...
>> >
>> > then git reset --hard gitversion (the 1st column in git reflog)...
>> >
>> > Seems to work well. :-D  Although, I thnk I will stick with this version
>> > for a while... and see what I can break.
>> Cool, didn't know that git trick :)
> I didn't either...  I googled it real quick and was surprised to find such
> a straight answer so fast, lol.
> Suricata has been running for ~4 & a half hours...  It has processed
> roughly 65gb of traffic...Which sounds about right, I think...   I checked
> the switch port, and I'm seeing a few dropped packets on it, but nothing
> disastrous... Memory usage on Suri is up to 12% (504mb)... and most
> importantly, I'm still getting logs in BASE. :-D
> If there's some tests I can do (ie: from the paper that Josh mentioned) to
> help get some hard numbers, just let me know.
> See Yas!
> ~Brant
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